Alive and kicking

Day 1,696, 10:13 Published in USA Canada by Molly Jo

So as Cody informed you all, I was shot outside my apartment after visiting my roomie, because the last month I've been in a dorm for some summer classes so I could own my own business and be successful, so I hadn't seen her in a while, and you gotta hang with your friends every so often. It is a pain I can't describe, and the feeling of laying on your porch bleeding, while your roomie panics, trying to stop the bleeding is just not a fun one. Sadly I can't tell you why it happened, but I can tell you my doctors say I am extremely lucky, tough, and super stubborn, all of which might be why I survived, the last two are why I got home well me parents house so early, and to be informing you peoples how I am, which I am mostly ok, I mean I'm on bed rest with me mommy checking in every 10 to 20 minutes, and the meds make me feel loopy, but yay life. 🙂
with some Fight Fighting is so easy anyway, you only gotta hit one button...a lot. My goal was to wrap up that one mission where you needed 200 kills, so I burned through some energy bars to get the needed 45 remaining kills, well I got 46 in the battle I fought in, with the mission done, and me on top of the division, and seeing the next mission, I decided to use my rocket to add some damage to my lead for the battle hero, and to put a dent into the new mission, leading to me 10th Battle Hero.
End of an Era
It seems the Revolutionary Party is coming to its end, partly because Pap changed the party name, logo, and description, and mostly because the down hill slide we have been on since April. For me it means I will need a new home, if that is a new party or a new country only time will tell, 🙁.
Taco Time