Ahoy Canada, a little help Mate?

Day 1,035, 22:24 Published in Canada Japan by Donovan Thomas

Ahoy Canada!

Sorry to bother at this late hour, I know you've had a hard day being about as bad-ass as is possible these days, but I wondered if I might have a moment of your time?

I Was wondering if you might recognize me... I'm one of those eIrish that shows up in your top ten here and there when you fight. I occasionally drop by the 'ol Crimson Waterin' Hole to catch some craic and see where I might be useful in killin' enemies of the Great White North (and eIreland, cuz well, We're Bros!)...

Here's the thing... we over here on the gorgeous Emerald Isle cant help but notice this ugly colored patch on the map...

See... the thing is, there is a bit of our land... Yes... OUR land... with all these dirty eBrits on on it... (see below)

Dirty Brit

(Sorry, wrong Dirty Brit)

But you get the picture. Now, I know we are friends and all. We all share the same values:

- Freedom From the Crown

- Beer (we differ on the colour and taste but you do well on the alcohol content!)

- Gorgeous Women and Courageous Men

- Brutal Sports (you guys basically took Hurling and put it on ice... that's just mean, and awesome!)

So, what do you say we meet up in Northern IRELAND tomorrow, knock back a few pints and destroy some Dirty eBrits?

Let's do it for Joan eh?

Oi! Tem, Dicey! You! Get there! Now! I can't drink all this beer myself! (well, I can...)


-Donovan Thomas
Co-Minister of Defence, eIreland
(and your Bro!)