A new kind of anti-phoenix group

Day 1,117, 15:02 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

Ladies and gentlemen, i give you... PhxTroll! A group that fights a new kind of fight against Phoenix!

Have you ever felt an urge to just... annoy some people online? Do you want a way to get rid of that urge without getting banned? Well, i have the answer! PhxTroll is a group of people that spams OUT OF GAME Phoenix communications and supply request lines. This way, we can deal a lethal blow to Phoenix and not suffer any consequences!

for example, imagine 5 people spamming this as fast as they can in an IRC room...

herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp herp derp

It would be so fast that they couldn't even see any names to ban! Now, imagine that kind of chaos in #savelondon during the last London battle. Deadly. You could be doing this stuff. You could be the reason that your country wins a battle. Anyone with citizenship in an EDEN or Brolliance nation is free to join! Help your country now!

sign up here

just a note to any Phx people reading this...

We cannot be reported for spamming or trolling because we are not spamming or trolling in game.

This article cannot be reported for external advertising because we did not say the names of any other websites nor did we link them in this article.

Everyone, have a nice day!