A new empire is waiting for you!

Day 2,440, 09:41 Published in North Macedonia Austria by Kaad

Good afternoon dear readers,

This is my first article as eMacedonian citizen.

I'm going to speak about eSwitzerland, a long time ally with eMacedonia where I have been CP once and where I will end my eLife and be eBurried 😛

eSwitzerland got a lot of CS this month from their and the french/austrian regions. We have now a small empire in the middle of Europe. If Switzerland can count on their long time brothers from Chile, Macedonia, Belgium, Paragway or even Italy, we need to grow.

eSwitzerland is now THE land of opportunities. We wish to grow. We wish to improve our strengh. We wish to become a real power.

The swiss government wish to promote the use of CS pass. There is a lot of work to do, a lot of things to improve, but I beleive Switzerland can have a real impact in this world. Every player who wish to start a new eLife is welcomed. It will benefits to Switzerland, but also to all our allies.

Ever wanted to have a role in politic and influence the eWorld? To reach top 10 of the national fighters? To be part of a country which always look forward and do its maximum for its allies? Then, how about joining eSwitzerland?

Fill the CS form: http://goo.gl/3yrkgU and pm http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8259832 to confirm you filled this gdoc.

Hail Macedonia
Hail Switzerland