A legacy left behind

Day 2,141, 06:52 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Well hello everyone again.

Well eSA is in quite a spot at the moment. So I have been playing with a few thoughts in my head. Now I personally don’t believe in blaming people but I would like to give a comment on my personal thoughts. But to talk on a legacy and how we live in peoples legacies left behind.

I believe we are living in the aftermath of Leon Reno presidency (not blaming him). I have read a lot of past in game articles, forum posts and various other sources. I believe we are living in a legacy of a selfish president.

What I saw was a moving away from an alliance that had been around for a long time (Brazil). Many people wanted it to be dissolved and freed from Brazil, so I can’t blame the president on this front. I just ask myself the question would we as a nation have agreed to cancelling Brazil had we known that we all we were doing is trading Brazil for Argentina?

In order for this grand scheme of Leon’s to break from Brazil’s clutches, we invited the Lazocrats in. While Leon maintains that they came and left at his instruction it proves otherwise as they were still here.

I watched in nine months the degeneration of our community; it seemed as if you were either for Leon or against him. Now me, I personally had a few spats with Leon, but nothing serious. I just trying to see how a man who professed to have eSA best interests at heart, becomes CP throws everything into disarray then leaves as his term ends. Then checks in every now and then and constantly points out the faults of our nation, with no help at all.

Yes I will receive hate mail which is okay, and yes people will comment and defend him which is also okay, but I won’t be still. He has been said to have been such an aide for eSA but I am just looking for the signs of were this occurred.

So Leon all I challenge you to do; if you have always had eSA’s best interest at heart; speak to your Lazo friends tell them to go elsewhere, make me eat my words. I am not afraid to apologise for what I have said if I am wrong.

Otherwise carry on as you were, eSA will survive as it always has. Like I said this is my opinion, you don’t have to agree with me but tired of people telling me this man is a genius, because he had Brazil wiped. He also had eSA wiped twice from his actions.

I hope that change will come. Look out for my next article, and where I believe we can improve our nation. We all need to step in. If you can help by reporting the multi’s in this article it will go a long way to help this nation.

Long live eSA!!