A Labour Day Message from the ALP's Leader, Anthony

Day 3,211, 18:08 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

Good morning eArmenians, My name is Anthony and im the leader of the Armenian Labour Party and i'm also running as your new president of eArmenia starting tomorrow! I want to share you folks a very important message!

Folks, as you can see, Labour Day is a very important and a special time for reflection, a day to remember that all working people has to tell the true story and the beauty of eArmenia. They're the mirror that shows how we live in a good working environment and whether we live up to our nation's founding/traditional and modern ideals and values. It's my true profound hope that a revitalised labour and social democratic movement will truly once again empower working people all over eArmenia to drive up their own destines & to create a safer, peaceful and more equally prosperous eArmenia.

The eArmenian labour movement is responsible for many things that we take for granted, the weekend, the 40-hr work week, the anti-child labour and just to name a few. Today, our ALP party is in the process of being reinvigorated and working for other profoundly things: securing wages & benefits that working families deserve, the continued existence of our nation's middle class and lastly, the true respect, dignity & strength of our nation's working people who have done so much to our nation's economy and we say thanks for your service and for your hard work! 🙂

However, working families all across eArmenia and around the world are seriously being attacked & scapegoated like never before. Public sector employees are being blamed for our bad economies. Pensions and healthcare benefits are being demonized as the excessive perks of the past while the richest among us do enjoy huge tax rates that are some of the lowest in eArmenia's history.

Corporate-backed politicians and political parties including the AFP have mounted the most vicious anti-union attacks in memory. Government workers working in Yerevan and the world's capital cities(including Washington, DC) are being stripped of their collective barging rights. Right-to-work-for-less bills to destroy those unions are becoming law throughout some parts of eArmenia, and If the AFP's leader is elected president of this mighty eArmenia, then we will be in trouble forever!

Our nation's labour/social democratic movement is still strongly alive and well and is still forcing change. Our ALP party is behind the movement to stop those bad deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, something that a growing number of politicians have been warning for many years now! ALP is also behind the efforts to protect the stronger retirement security of eArmenians who worked hard their entire lives in order to retire comfortably. ALP is also behind the push to continue improving our nation's infrastructure.

The ruling elite may have the money to start this! However, we have the boots on the ground. I urge every eArmenian to fight back by getting involved with the ALP party and to vote for me as your new president of eArmenia starting tomorrow so that we can create a democratic and a peaceful eArmenia in which we always dreamed of since we first founded in eRepublik many years ago. You can make a huge difference by talking to workers in urging the AFP party to support issues such as fair trade, voting for pro-socialist politicians, and by becoming a member of the ALP party. We urged u folks to be proud of our strong but growing legacy and tell others what it means to be in a unionized and a peaceful political party- solidarity, democracy, liberty, respect and dignity for all.

For our eArmenians, Labour Day is seen simply as a day of rest. However on this special day, I ask every eArmenian to ignore the AFP party and to be informed and engaged on the issues that do effects us the most!

Also, every eArmenian has to vote for me as your new president starting tomorrow so that we can solve and fix problems that affects us and that we will begin a new era and a new but brighter future for eArmenia!

Remember what I learned from the late great Casey Kasem, he always says to "keep your feet in the ground and keep reaching for the stars!". This means that every eArmenian should keep their feet in the ground and to reach for their new dreams and aspirations!

Remember, you'll all have to ignore the AFP starting tomorrow!

Thank You & May God Bless eArmenia! Bye Bye Everyone! 🙂

We're starting a new era of eArmenia starting tomorrow so watch out!!