A hive of communities

Day 3,750, 07:39 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Are all the communities of this game equal ? I'm asking because 'community' is one of the most words overheard over here. But, is Serbian community the same than French community? Is French real life culture the same than Serbian? Once we make this question is easy to understand that the communities in this game have little resemblance each other.

Some balcanic countries witnessed the horror of war just some years ago. In Balkans, or eastern europe, national pride is not just an option for many, but the result of years of failed communism, and the desperate need to _survive_.
Does any of this apply to UK, or France? Not at all. Both are very mature countries, centuries old, with no real need to club together and wave the flag.

You like it or not, erepublik is a great game... for the balkans , and a completely different stuff for all the rest of the people.

Now, what's community? Will you compare again a romanian MU with a british one ? Pointless, isn't it?