1000 days of Cyprus

Day 3,474, 13:25 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by N.oName

Selam fellas,
1000 days ago, I left France for Cyprus.

Some left, some came back, some just joined, but i'm happy to be able to say that i made myself a lot of friends here.

I like this island because we are a tiny but universal community, having fun despite all RL stupid conflicts between our countries.

In 1000 days here, i learned a lot about others and their cultures and i'm glad of it, i also had the opportunity of being part of many governments and even being CP (25 golds won with medals of CP so far xdxd), and i can say it was a really interesting trip to come here.
I would do it again for sure.

Thank you cypriots for being what you are, i truly think we represent one of the best eRep community.

Noname, a proud cypriot o/

In order to thank you for that, i'll draft 3 cypriots among the comment and respectively send to them 10, 5 and 3.1 golds.