[Userscriрt] Small Dispatches

Day 985, 00:12 Published in USA USA by Publius
Three little scriрts that should all work for Firefox, Chrome, and Opera.

Congress Donation Validator
In the past money has been stolen from the eCountry Treasury through malicious donation proposals because of the way eRep handles whitespace in organization names. I wrote this small scriрt to help congressman distinguish between trusted and untrusted orgs. It also adds a link to search for the org receiving the cash. This could easily be adapted for other countries.

Proposal with fake org:

Proposal with real org:

Clicky for Congress Scriрt

Menu Fix
It takes too many clicks to get to things in V2 because the developers wanted to show off their new graphics. This adds some shortcuts to the drop-down menus.


Clicky for Menu Scriрt

Cruft Remover
Still very much a work in progress, and I’m not sure exactly where I want to take this one yet. It may be that I:
* Dramatically remake pages on eRep so that they are intuitive
* Make it so you can get through the two klikken as quickly as possibly
* Continue to strip out ads or annoyances as I come across them
Right now it just strips out all the facebook, twitter, sharethis, health boxes, and storage pack buttons that I don’t want to accidentally click on, ever.

Clicky for Remover Scriрt