[USA] Whither Ohio?

Day 856, 07:35 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Citizens of the eUSA,

Recently I have stepped away from four consecutive terms as the Ohio Senator. Since then, a range of competitors have come forward to compete for my old region. Some of them have asked me for endorsements. I'd like to highlight that every candidate has some positives and negatives; let's talk about some of the positives for a few of these guys.

These are the Candidates who have asked for my Endorsement:

1. mjdiv:
~ mjdiv has been in Congress intermittently for quite sometime. He is a dedicated worker, having always taken upon himself many new initiatives, such as reforming the White House Press Release, running the national lottery, etc. During fierce Congressional debates which sometimes get too personal for some folks, he has always maintained a level head and provided reasoned insight. He has also often served as a voice of dissent for rubber-stamp legislation, acting as the devil's advocate for questionable legislation passing too quickly. Close to my own views, he has in the past also served as an advocate for local regional populations, previously working with a non-profit to provide a hospital for a small northeastern region, and he also works tirelessly to locate and reach out to all newbies in the region he represents. In closing, he is an old hand, experienced and qualified.

2. Abayarde:
~ Abayarde is the current Training Corps XO and is on his freshmen contest for Congress. The majority of his experience so far is in the military, which often leads to holding a rational and focused approach in Congress, quickly moving past much of the posturing to resolve matters in the most minimalist, sensible manner possible. There is a certain elegance in such an approach. His primary intents are to cut down on the buffoonery, ensure the budget is where it needs to be, help the eUSA move past EDEN, and restructure the national forum to allow for increased government transparency. I can't say I concur with every one of those goals, but I definitely admire his lofty goals and zeal for accomplishing them. I think he would be a voice of new and interesting concepts in Congress.

3. ClintHill:
~ This guy is the quintessential underdog. Infectious enthusiasm, no fear of big names or big ideas, and always looking to leverage the support of those around him who have more experience and/or resources. This guy is a fighter. He could be an interesting pick.

Some Words for the Candidates:

Gents, I'm sure Ohio is going to end up with an interesting pick, whoever wins. I have a few expectations for you, some things you will need to hold close to heart:

1. You must continue to improve military relations with the Partner Countries of the Ohio National Guard, Hungary and Serbia. Do not be afraid. Reach out to their country presidents and military leaders.
2. Always remember, I already rolled the state motto back to "Imperium in Imperio".
3. Never forget your Governor. Some positions just aren't elected.

Happy hunting, guys. 🙂

Max McFarland 2
Former Senator, Ohio
Governor-for-Life, Ohio