[USA] New Citizen Gift Assistance

Day 848, 21:31 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Citizens of the eUSA,

Please review the following message from the eUSA Department of the Interior:

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The Department of Interior (DoI) is giving away free gifts to boost newer players' wellness. Why are they doing this? Because the American government loves its citizens. Also, changes to the healing system were recently made the Erepublik Administrators. You can no longer use hospital to heal yourself for more wellness than you lost during fights. So if you fought once--thereby losing 10 wellness-- a hospital will only heal you for 10 wellness. The American government thinks this is pretty crappy, so it wants to help out. The requirements for eligibility to receive gifts is as follows:

Must fill out this form

Must be born after day 834.

Must be in a fortress state (the form also has a place to get moving tickets).

Must be a US citizen.

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Cheers. 😉

Max McFarland 2
Senator & Governor-for-Life, Ohio
Party President, America's Advancement Party