[TR for EPIC PP] Player Activity.

Day 1,571, 18:33 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

EPIC has recently become a refugee camp for many members of the former Canadian Paradox Party. We welcome them and hope that they can become an active member of EPIC.

In my first few days as Party President, I will be introducing myself and sending out a survey to every member of EPIC to get a better idea on where our party stands. How many members play the game more than an hour a day, how many are active in the community, how many are willing to be active in our community? What can they offer EPIC and what EPIC can offer them.

A huge problem facing our party and our nation is activity. eCanada has always faced this problem but with many of our older players leaving eCanada, eCanada has faced an all-time low. One way I plan to raise activity in the party is to reward members who register on EPIC’s forums and post a minimum of 15 posts with 500CAD, CAD from my own pocket.

Hopefully this will kick-start the forums and encourage activity in the party. Ultimately I hope they don’t stop at the EPIC forums, ultimately I hope this activity carries over to the eCanada forums. More forum activity = more fun, better CP votes, more ideas.

Thank you and consider Trenton Rendell on the 15th
-Trenton Rendell