[TCO] Interview with the legendary Ralph Kline, Elisha Cuthbert, Ryan Reynolds

Day 1,295, 04:14 Published in Canada Ireland by einberliner

This issue of the Canuck Chronicle brings you can interview with the great Canadian war hero Ralph Kline. Formerly of the CAF, currently TCO, and one of the hardest hitters the country has.

Hi there! Before we begin can you please state, for those reading this who don't know, what your current rank in the TCO is and how long you've held the position:

I am now a Sergeant in the 2nd Legion Heavy Moose Cavalry but I have only recently been promoted.

When did you first join TCO and what drew you to it? Why have you stayed?

I joined the TCO in March of the year, after many conversations with TemujinBC, Francois Pignon and other members, I enjoy the structure and easy going nature of this group.

Have you ever considered or been in CAF? Why not/why did you leave?

I left the CAF basically because of personality conflicts with certain members. They seem to breed contempt among the ranks with condescending attitudes that I have never found in TCO. We feel free to tell each other where to go and how to get there and yet still come together as a powerful fighting force. That's how I roll and this is where I belong.

What do you think the biggest challenges in the coming weeks will be for the country?

The next few weeks look to be interesting to say the least. Politically, we are as divided as ever. As I write, we appear to be electing Rolo as our next CP. I stand to be greatly entertained by the coming storm of controversy, as we all will.

How well equipped do you think we are to meet these challenges?

We are well equipped to handle anything, one of our shortcomings as a nation is we don't take as many chances as we should. We seem to fear loss or defeat or something. In erep, you can't die unless you quit and you only lose what you give up on.

If you could wave a magic wand and change any one thing about the game in general, not just TCO, what would it be? Why?

I think my greatest hope for the game is the admins work towards growing the membership in the game instead of getting more profit from those already in it.

And if you could wave your wand again and recruit any player in the game that's not currently with us who would you go for? Why?

Well, as much as he annoys the hell out of me. Alfagrem is a one man army, a formidable asset to whichever side he is on. If you play to win, you can't argue with his stats.

If you could talk personally to each Canadian noob to give them one piece of advice what would it be?

To new players I say: Stick with this game, but don't expect a lot from it at the beginning. The true value of it comes to you as time passes.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

P.S. einberliner is a smoking hot babe 😛

Thank you, Ralph!

For the record this, "You can't die unless you quit and you only lose what you give up on." jumped straight to the top of my personal favorite in-game quotes lol.

Who would you like to see interviewed next? We have a TCO superstar already in the works (no, not Temu 😛) but I'm happy to chase after anyone, TCO or not 😃 Answers in the comments, please.

-The Crimson Canucks supplies all its soldiers three times a week with food and weapons automatically if you respond to a weekly roll call and work in a TCO company, there is no need for any soldier to go out of their way to request this supply. When there is a mission or important battle we also supply via IRC with additional food and weapons.

- The Crimson Canucks, and the TCO in general, welcome players of all strengths and our members comprise some of the strongest soldiers from Canada and Australia, as well as from Ireland and, increasingly, Sweden.

- All TCO members are treated equally and receive an equal share of the overall supply. Execs, far from getting extra supplies, often don't accept supply at all in order to increase the communal share or donate it to members in more need.

The Crimson Canucks is recruiting enthusiastic, active and dedicated players that wish to be something above the rest, something above even the best. We are a highly mobile fighting force that has spear-headed many conflicts around the globe. We bring to the battlefield a passion to see results and our enemies defeated.

When you join you will be welcomed and trained to be an elite fighting machine, it’ll take time but with dedication and perseverance your skill levels well increase and your damage output will be that much greater. Your brothers and sisters in the TCO will always be there when you need them.

The Crimson Canucks offers you a chance to enjoy this game more, to make a bigger difference not only on the battle field but in the eCanadian community, to make you known and respected as a warrior and as a patriot.

Click the COG and start your new eLife today, enlist and meet your full potential.

Obligatory hot people 😛 :

Please feel free to recommend other hot Canadians for future articles (and hot Aussies too for our brothers and sisters down under) 😛