[SR, HR, EN 18+] Prava si prasica (Hot erotic)

Day 3,313, 15:38 Published in Serbia Serbia by Cicci0lina

Ово се односи на БХ медаље/ “When we grow up, we shall steal!” - Young eCroats regarding BH medals.

Велики учитељ чика-Куре давно је рекао / Grand Master Uncle Kure once sai😛

Кликни за снимак/ CLICK TO PLAY

Према томе, немој без предзнања да покушаваш да тлачиш у дивизији што није твој број / Therefore, it is unwise to attempt without any previous knowledge to harrass people in a division other than your own.

Ако кренеш да се бијеш с Ћићолином, не знаш како ће то да се сврши. И по чијем налогу ће…

... да се после иживљавају душмани. Посебно ако држиш томпсона на њему.

Изненађења су увек могућа (1:50) / Surprise may always happen (1:50)

Ovdje prekidamo s ćirilicom, jer ju susJedi bez naobrazbe ne znaju čitat. A tko ćirilicu ne čita, uleti mu… vidjet ćete uostalom /Here we shall switch to Latin script, as our uneducated neighbors are unable to read it.

Mjesto radnje… / Our story took place here

Dakle, poznato je svima u ovoj igri da susJedi u posljednje vrijeme nisu bili osebujno učinkoviti u obrani svojih regija. A zna se što čine kada nemaju regija - prihvaćaju se terorizma i otimaju medalje. Možda su imali uspjeha u D4, ali u D3 vladaju druga pravila. / As everybody knows, the Croissants in this game were, well less than efficient in defense of their core regions. And we all know what they do when they do not have any regions to defend - they turn to terrorism and stealing other people’s medals. I assume they have been somewhat successful in D4, but in our D3 there are some other rules in place.

Dakle, Cicci0lina kreće na BH ovdje / Exhibit 1: Cicci0lina locked on her BH here

JuniorSoprano, neki čimbenik vjerojatno u Zengama, potom pokušava zaskočit Ciciollinu / JuniorSoprano, some guy I supose in the Rally of the National Guard or ZNG, attempted to grab Cicci0lina from behind…

Čim je vidila što tenk iz D4 JuniorSoprano ima na umu u D3, Cicci0lina je izjavila / As soon as she saw what this D4 tank, JuniorSoprano, had in mind in D3, Cicci0lina famously exclaime😛

I spremila se zaskočit JuniorSoprano / and got ready to grab JuniorSoprano from behin😛

Što možete vidjeti i ovdje / Exhibit 2::

Posle toga, usljedio je i PUNISHMENT !!! Tako da mu je otišla medalja u još jednoj bici https://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield-new/90330 / After this, the PUNISHMENT ensued, and JuniorSoprano lost another medal

Ostao je i bez druge CH / He lost the second CH as well

Оно кад скидаш хрватском Д4 тенку медаље у Д3 - кликни за музику / When you keep stealing BH medals from a Croissant D4 tank - click to play some music (and ask your nearest Croissant to tell you why this song)

Budući da je toga dana CH medalja bila 50g, cilj i jeste bio da mu se pored BH i one oduzmu / Since on that day the CH reward was 50g, that was exactly the key goal Cicci0lina had in her revenge.

Na posljetku…/ at the end

… TF medalja i… / TF medal

overena putovnica / and an official stamp in his passport (ask Croissants what exactly does that mean in their culture…)

On je uspio na kraju doći do nekoga zgoditka. Njegov je uradak možda bio nedovoljan za BH ili CH, ali je bio dovoljno učinkovit za 60. Mjesto na Top Fighter rang listi. Još 29 susreta s Cicci0linom i dobit će medalju. / JuniorSoprano managed to earn some kind of reward in the end. His work might had been insufficient for either CH or BH, but eventually it was good enough for the 60th place on the Top Fighter list. If he continues with the good work, in less than 29 days he shall be able to add another medal to his profile.

Ako se pitate zakaj (zašto) putovnica tiskana u Grudama, a ne Zagrebu / If you wanted to ask why the Herzeg-Bosnia passport

Evo i odgovora / Here is the answer

Dok se saveznici eHrvatske, primjerice Grci, bore u EPIC bitkama i gube, dotle hrvatski tenkovi briju na nekakve bezvezne bitke u kojima potroše polovinu štete cjelokupne hrvatske vojske / While the allies of the eCroissants, e.g. Greeks, bleed in EPIC battles only to lose them, the Croissant tanks chase BH and CH medals in worthless battles, while inflicting damage equal to one half of the entire eCroatian army

Istodobno, eHrvatska ima 0 regija / At the same time, eCroatia controls 0 region

Sljedstveno tome, nema eHrvatske države, te ne može biti ni eHrvatskih putovnica. Otuda je JuniorSoprano mogao ov(j)eriti samo putovnicu eHerceg-Bosne za Milano / Therefore, there could be no eCroatian passport issued in which one could get the necessary work-visa in Milan. JuniorSoprano will have to try his luck with the Herzeg-Bosnian one.

A Cicci0lina će nastavit da snima / And Cicci0lina will continue her career.


Negde u kraljevstvu Šekija / Meanwhile in Seki's kingdom

Nastaviće se / To be continued...

