[Royal Navy] Official News

Day 1,982, 10:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

Hello and Welcome to the first edition of the Royal Navy’s very own newspaper, we hope to keep you fully updated on everything that happens inside the Royal Navy and promote all our schemes and allow our sailors to have a voice in the eUK media.

First news is that we have our own section on the eUK forums now thanks to the hard work of many sailors especially Vice-Admiral Dnouser. In our forum section you can get together with many other sailors in your regiments and chat about any ideas you have, or what Royal Navy ship you will name your regiment after. You can also find I place to see the latest orders and ask any questions to the Commanders you may have.
Finally, you can also access areas where you can ask of extra food and weapon supplies if you are struggling and generally more fun, more information and more prizes that just can’t quite fit on the news feed. To get involved in the Royal Navy forums sign-up here: http://tinyurl.com/brr56qh

We also have a reward scheme in place. If you rank up by a * you will receive 10 Q6 tanks, if you rank up a full rank you will receive 20 Q6 Tanks. That is 50 Tanks per full rank so the incentive is there to fight. To receive this reward it is your responsibility to let us know when you rank up, you can do this by posting on the forum under the ‘Rewards’ thread and then the tanks will soon be yours.

The Royal Navy Ranking system has also been set up to help give sailors something to aim for in the Military Unit other than their Daily Order. The ranking system rewards sailors for their time, commitment and dedication in the Royal Navy, this could range from, coming up with new ideas for the Military Unit, to just being an active recruiter. The eight ranks in the Royal Navy Ranking System are:

- Cadet

- Lieutenant

- Commander

- Captain

- Commodore

- Vice-Admiral

- Admiral

- Admiral of the Fleet

The Rankings are updated every so often with new sailors coming in and other leaving or ranking up, look here for your ranking: http://tinyurl.com/c984t3e

If you are not on the list at the moment or think you should be ranked higher please send Admiral of the Fleet Sambo112 a PM in-game here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5443213

The last piece of information is about the weekly Royal Navy ‘Strike Sunday’. Once again it is on this week and is a great time to get involved in the Military and dish out some damage. Report on to the IRC between 3pm and 7pm GMT for supplies of 10Q7 weapons and 100Q5 food! The Royal Navy IRC channel link is: http://tinyurl.com/bmcps67

You can come on IRC at any time and someone is usually on whether that be, on the Royal Navy channel, on a eUK party channel or the eUK channel itself (#eUK).

That is all for this first edition. Remember Sailors to vote, comment, subscribe and share this article with your eRepublik friends.

Keep Fighting On,

Admiral of the Fleet

Royal Navy: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/292

Royal Navy Jobs (under geenge): http://www.erepublik.com/en/economy/job-market/29/2

Royal Navy Comman😛 Sambo112, Mick Cain, Lady Macbeth II

Royal Navy - Protecting our Nation's Interests