[Royal Navy] Civil War

Day 2,063, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

The British Army Commander (Commander Dapper) has called out our great MU for fraud. We will not tolerate such accusations and have been forced to declare war on the...cannon fodder. The commanders and sailors of the Royal Navy stand together on this issue and will fight hard to steal any BH and CH medals British Army soldiers are trying to gain.

Here is what was sai😛

Our glorious Admiral, Mick Cain, then replied back on his personal account:

Don what the hell?

RN being accused of corruption?

The reply came soon after:

Commander Dapper
to mick cain |

one hour ago

can you not f****** swear anymore...f*** off then

It appears the British Army was not backing down from his wild accusations and so Mick shut him up:

mick cain
to Commander Dapper |

41 minutes ago

Nah in fact you f*** off don,i replied the same from my the ORG
profile.I always got along with you.....no longer it seems.Shame because
i was one of the few allies you had left....seems you really are a
bigger idiot than i gave you credit for.Also what are you talking
about....swearing.....can you read?

Edited to censor out language, under request of admins. Sorry for earlier offense.

As you can see below all the Royal Navy's money is donations out of hard earned money.

Back off the Royal Navy and deal with your own MU. From what I've heard you guys don't have any money, maybe if your members were as awesome as those in Royal Navy then you wouldn't have to revert to making up stupid accusations and bringing this hate upon yourself.


The Royal Navy calls for the British Army to be removed from the UK-FU so they miss out on the payment benefits. We should be a team and not fighting against each other, if you can't stick to the rules then...

I'm sure asking for you too be removed from the UK-FU could take some time to pass through the MoD...it's just unlucky for you that our commander is the MoD. Oh this just makes picking a fight with us even more stupid, doesn't it?

Well that is all for the update, fight hard sailors and let's show the British Army we kick ass. Also if anyone else wants to donate to the org then please contact AdmiralMick Cain.

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Keep Fighting On,

Admiral of the Fleet

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Royal Navy Comman😛 Sambo112, Mick Cain, Lady Macbeth II

Royal Navy - Protecting our Nation's Interests