[Roll Call] Regiment One Day 2191

Day 2,191, 12:48 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Good day soldiers

Regiment One report for roll call. (Salute “o7” in the comments of this article)

Good job to Regiment one this week, reaching more of our goals. We increased our fighting numbers that are active. More of you guys are in uniform, looking great.

Huge well done to Anthony Clark and Ca1ep for another steller performance. Also a mention to Numbfaceclown for throwing a couple bombs and damaging our opponents defences, good job for a clown 😛

Also with a new Medal introduced, fighting and achievements will be on the increase.

Next question are you part of our commune?? If no please contact me urgently, lets get you some supplies, we need you fighting.

That’s all for now keep fighting, training, and doing damage…

Captain Regiment One