PP Elections: Lessons to be Learned

Day 1,610, 11:59 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits." Nixon

As some who read my articles are no doubt aware I am a keen student of history. One thing that has ALWAYS puzzled me historicly is how you 'defeat' a nation: When Hannibal invaded Italy and defeated Rome time and time again Rome could have made peace at any time. After losing 50,000 -70,000 men at Cannae and having already lost two battles before Romes military strength was severely depleted but their simple refusal to come to terms, or even ransom their prisoners, meant that however many battles Hannibal won the 2nd Punic War would not end until either Rome or Carthage were taken. Instead the Romans merely changed their strategy and in the end they won. I personaly have argued that Hannibal should have marched on Rome after Cannae but a rl Canadian Colonel believes this would have resulted in failure... another story.

"Gerroff mah land Hannibal!"

There are many other instances of this form of stubborn resistance; Britain after the defeat of France in WW2 was actualy offered terms by Germany but Churchill to use his own terms 'kept buggering on'. Indeed there is much to be commended in losing the first battle of a campaign; you learn from your mistakes while the victor rarely sees reason to change their tactics or organisation. The defeated adapt, the victors do not; Germany adapted her military strategy between the world wars, the victors of WW1 only started learning again after the first defeats of WW2... First defeats mean little IF you are stubborn and "keep buggering on"; the only battle that matters then is the LAST one.

The First Battle

It seems to be widely believed that the four people standing for PP of Norsefire Parties (Mia, OLloyd, Killer2001 and ArdikusV2) were the ONLY battles going on during the 15th; they weren't. Sperry, who has spoken out against corruption, and Rylde, after returning from EPC, were both standing to change the directions of 2 of our top 5 Parties. In every way their victories in EPIC and MDP are victories for the ' New Power Generation' (as Mia calls it). It also however drained votes that otherwise might have turned the balance in Norsefire Parties; if I was a member of a MDP or EPIC and wanted change my first duty would be make sure it happened in my Party...

Secondly the refusal of 'our brothers abroad' or EPC to support this movement for change evidently cost us dear; with 14 votes we would have won 2 Parties back and would be well placed for Congressional elections. This MUST change. EPC share our goals - or proclaim to - it is time they came home and reclaimed the eCanadian Constitution. Seriously guys if eCanada got 'wiped' how would achieve our goals? The same system would continue when we were liberated... Otherwise stop calling yourself 'Exiled Patriots' and get on with helping your adopted ecountries.

A failed strategy.

The Next Battles

In my last article 'Serious Article: Reform Without Organisation' I urged that we concentrate on one target; clearly we could have won CanVision at least had we done so. However some were regretably naive and thought that simply appealing to peoples 'better nature' would be sufficient. Nor was there a 'stategic voting' command during the day whereby voters could be directed so that vote counted most. Again the elections in EPIC and MDP also detracted from the possible numbers that could have influenced the vote elsewhere.

Some think that though eCanadians largely disagree with the pardon etc (80% in the last survey) they are just too lazy to do anything about it. I disagree; two of our top 5 Parties have clearly changed direction for the better. More votes will be available next time. More than anything else we need a dedicated Strategic Voting command next time. Someone or people who will sit on IRC and watch how the voting is going and direct voters who wish to help to where thier votes will count most. A friend of mine is a past master of this...

An Alternative Strategy?

It has been suggested to me that an alternative strategy is possible; strengthen an existing 'free' Party and replace a Norsefire Party in the top 5 with a 'free' one. I have never in my 3.5yr elife been a PP so it is not realy my job to urge this. However there are benefits to this idea; it would enable greater planning and organisation and more punch in Congress which, after all, will be the second battleground once the Parties are 'liberated'. In some ways it might even be a 'short cut'. I leave others to consider this. The only problem I see with this is that MDP may fall out of the top 5 and not a corrupt Party.

Congress Elections Strategy

Reclaiming Parties fallen to corruption is only one part of this camapign. The final battle can ONLY be won in Congress. As a Congress that condones corruption and illegaly pardons thiefs has amassesd all power to it's own hand the final battle of the ' New Power Generation' MUST be in Congress: Win this and Parties do not matter. Now we know that some 80% of eCanadians disapprove of the pardon, though they are not sure sure of the way forward. I shall stand for Congress and try to introduce and anti corruption law such that any proved to have bought votes will be banned from Congress debates. Since the Speaker can now do this without reference to the Courts justice will be swift and our prime objective is obtained. I suggest that all those who would support such a law when standing for Congress let them wear a specific avatar.


We have lost 4 battles in a war; we have won 2 lesser battles. The task is NOT impossible; 14 votes would have reclaimed 2 Parties. We need organisation and planning. Also winning the Parties back is NOT our sole, nor even final objective. We must start planning and organising NOW for the final battle that MUST be in Congress.

I am not a quitter and will not conceed defeat.

"We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." Queen Victoria