[Portugal Unido - Artigo NÂș461] - Interview: Mister Y

Day 3,819, 15:16 Published in USA Portugal by Alvaro Cunhal

Hello my friends, i publish this interview in Portugal at some months, but now i gonna start a new project and i gonna publish in my country and the country of my interview.
I hope you like them.

My interview at Mister Y

Why you start playing this game, and how you know the game to the first time? Some friend told you?
Nine years ago (my eBirthday just passed) I was in a community of a Forum online, and my friend Cero invited me to try this pretty new game called eRepublik:
We made a bit community of Italian players here. Mostly of them left duringa the V2, but I'm still here!

What is your opinion about the game when you start, what is your opinion know and what is your favorite thing in the game?
I liked the game in begin. Sometimes I must say I still enjoy to stay here, above all for friends and community.

You make some friends in this game, no? You can say some names?
You mean people invited here by me? Yes, in beginning, 7-8 years ago. But now they are all "dead citizens".
About the actual friends, one is Alvaro Cunhal, I recomend him as a good friend for everyone! Then Code Y, old Canadian friend. Israel Stevens and other friends of American Military Party. Jadiv, Cyber Witch and the friends of US. Army. Greeling, Aramec, Yui MHCP001, Euea, Innocenti and Damon Mortis, they are awesome.

The game have 3 modules, what you think about the economic, political and the military. You participate in all? If yes, please tell me your experience?
Yes, I'm a bit involved in every module. In begin of game above all in economic module, but now it's just garbage, so I ranked up and I started to fight more, growing my military influence. When I had time I was also in politics, but just few months, during the Oblige presidency in 2011, if I’m not wrong.

When you start the game you have this citizen? or you change? Tell me your experience about this countrys.
I'm Italian in real, so I started play in Italy. But community in Italy sucks: they never find agreement each other (like in real life), so I soon moved in United States and I'm still here.

What is your opinion about your community and the communitys you know in this ame.
I partially answered before. I prefer American community than Italian one. But sadly I'm not so much active to actively follow forum and chats.

What is your opinion about the aliances this game? What you think about each and what you think about the allies of your country and the enemys?
Asteria, Pacifica, and all these new alliances that born every month like mushrooms? I don't follow at all this stuff, alliances change every month, from the EDEN vs. ONE times. All we need to know it's a simple point: Serbians are the main enemies of everyone. All the other stuff is not important.

What is your opinion about ePortugal (game)?
Portugal is a little good ally from long time. Sometimes our Army put the order to fight for Portugal too.

You have some idea to improve the game?
Fix the economy could be the best improvement. Developers should forget a bit the chat box, the air battles, the residence and all this “not-complete” game they are building, to focus they efforts to improve once and forever this catastrophic economic module, the real ruin of the game.

About Portugal in real life, you know? What you can say about us, and what you think about us?
I don't know a lot about Portugal: I never been there and I remember just what I studied at schools. Same for people, I never met Portuguese people in real.

Where you from?
I'm from north-east of Italy (Friuli). I live really near the triple borderlan😛 Italy, Slovenia, Austria.

What is the best food in your country/region?
Everyone say Italy is famous for pizza and spaghetti, but not in my part of Italy: we are the region of the wines Tocai, Merlot and Picolit, and we are masters in desserts: I think our best is the strudel, a rolled pie with apple, grapes and nuts:

A less known food of Friuli it’s the frico: roasted cheese with potatoes. I love it:

A typical variant of frico in the mountains it’s the one without even the potatoes: just cook a bit of old grated cheese till it amalgamate in the pot, then you could give it the form you like: a bottle, a ball, or a tiny chest like in the photo. Good to eat with some polenta:

How it is the music in your country, please say one special band.
Lately Italian music is really shit, I can’t say a good band after the 883 of twenty years ago, with “Hanno ucciso l’uomo ragno” or “Come mai”:

More specifically in my zone, we had a famous band called “Trio Pakai”, folk songs for village parties. Oh well, I think even you in Portugal know these folk music, they are similar in every country:

What is the best city in your country, the most beautifull?
Italy has many beautiful cities, so I don't know how to say between Roma, Milano, Torino, Firenze. But I prefere to tell about the little city in my region, Udine: Udine was built in the Gothic Age (around 1200-1300). Today it's mostly a commerial city, cause it's in the route for the north and the east of Europe. It's also a student city after the construction of a big University. In the city centre you can still see some buildings of the old Gothic Age:

How are the weather there? You have cold? You have hot?
I live in the begin of the mountains, so we have really cold and snowy winters. But in the summer temperature is good, rarely also hot. A lot of rain in every season, anyway...

What you can say about your country?
Italy could be a wonderful country. Sadly I think we are ruled by the worst government of the Universe, politicians are ruining our beautiful country from more than a century now. Italy has sea, plans and mountains, we could have fields, but politicans don't want. We could have tourism, but politicans increase tax year after year, so Italians just want go away, and strangers sure come here less and less every year. We have many Universities and we could focus in big researchers, but politicans don't give money to research. In addition we have the main capital of the evil church here, they are like "Capital City" of Hunger Games, they block every reserach and every liberty to let our country in a dark medievil.
It's a pain. I know also Greece and Portugal have their problems, but I'm sure the most shamefull country of the Europe is Italy: Italy doesn't have problems, Italy is a problem.

What is your opinion about the world? The principal problems?
Terrorism. Crisis. Pollution. Refugees. Religion. Poverty.
Yes, the world is going worst. I don't envy the youngs and the next generation. Your sons will have to fight and bite to survive in this creepy world.

How old are you?
I'm 36.

What you do in your free time?
I'm lucky cause I have a lot of free time in my job, but I usually waste it: i play on PC, I watch movies, I read, sometimes I go bike.

What is your opinion about me?
You're a good friend here and I'm sure you're not just a good, but a great person in real life, you do an important, difficult and much appreciated job even if the pay is too low on me. Ad at last, we can communicate using the universal language that everyone knows: the "bad English" !

Do you want say something to all erepublik ?
No wait, eRepublik really reached 10 years old? Happy birthday everyone then!