[PCP] The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed

Day 2,393, 14:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington


After a mistake that lead to a PTO and talks with other party members, I have decided to run for the position myself. It is in the partys best interests to have a strong and stable leadership during the current internal conflicts within the eUK. There can not be any indecision, threats or division within PCP at such a vital time as this and that is why (if I am voted in) I will maintain diplomacy, neutrality and democracy.

PCP deserves stability and my goals will be intended to achieve this goal. My policies include:

-Inter-party Affairs neutrality, we have seen PCP caught between the two protagonists and on both sides we have been attacked and disillusioned by forces that only seek to witness our fall from the top 5. By adopting such a controversial stand point in political affairs we will treat all parties as equals and only blame issues on individuals instead of face an alienated party which will end up in the same humiliating back and forth warfare tactics.

-Entertainment, real life issues has left games like the weekly IRC quiz, comics and weekly pcp news stagnant. I intend to bring back these loved social activities, and with it, our old tight-knit community will be re-established

-Recover the old Rexian party messaging system that was replaced by individual messages. The Rexian messaging system brought with it a closer community where all opinions and queries can be listened to and answered (respectively). The system gives newer players the chance to build up the hierarchy system that we call ‘reputation’ and become the next leaders of, not only the PCP but also, the eUK.

-Red Dead Redemption. Bring back left-wing politics within the community through our congressmen and articles showing people the benefits of such a system.

Thank you for reading and I hope that you take the next pp election seriously as it can tip the balance for the future of PCP.