[OOPS] Congressional Candidates!

Day 1,526, 01:01 Published in South Africa Australia by Don Vin

We believe that every voice and every citizen and not one person, in fact, not one party can dictate where the country should go, or who should be the next president.

We believe in practical, central leftism that is above all inclusive.

We are the Open Opportunity Party of South Africa.

we visualize a fundamentally egalitarian society; a place where new players can have a chance to grow up, realize their full potential, and ultimately become the next generation of eSouth African leaders.

Please consider voting for OOPS candidates this month; we have representation in each province.

Free State


Alex Calance


Mr. Wet

North West Province
Don Vin

- Don.
Party President of the Open Opportunity Party of South Africa
Legend in the Making