[NoTie4CP] NoTie Turns #18!

Day 4,702, 04:38 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Today we have arrived in the Southern town of Breda, where I have returned to ponder over the next Presidential term and how we are hopeful to turn the eNetherlands into a production zone. Shawtyl0w in the neighboring and rivaling Tilburg refused to enter the city. It wouldn’t matter regardless, as Belgian and Latvian tanks besiege the Southern Netherlands daily. Once again, it would be Holland that is to be the place of importance.

Dear citizens,

I’m back once again! With my eighteenth non-consecutive term coming up, I will finally be an adult Country President. To cut right to the chase: Next month will be all about the ‘Resource Wars’. There is no time to be wasted for politics, or individuals. This is about the collective cause of the eNetherlands for years to come. Whereas allies can often change, the availability of one’s resources in a country are fixed for years to come – perhaps final this time around.

Our current set of resources – fish, iron and sand – honestly suck. Luckily we have been able to make a good profit on those and help allies such as Canada, Spain and Iran by the concession mechanics. But wouldn’t it be nice if there was one resource that we could fully focus on, have full bonuses in and give our citizens a safe place to produce in their own country. Not only that, but the certain foreign investment in such a case would bring additional tax income with itself!

To be realistic, being located in Europe during ‘Resource Wars’ is not necessarily a good thing. The radius set on rare resources are extremely punishing for European countries. Whereas the United States can accrue whatever resource they want by just being large, we in Europe may need to compete with out neighbours over them. Nevertheless, with the ability to gain 10 (!) resources in total, we can vie for a full set of resources in a particular industry as well as gather other resources for possible concession purposes.

This may all sounds fuzzy, and indeed it is. The people of the eNetherlands are still discussing what resources to focus on which is primarily based on what our close neighbours are focusing on. And while there are some ideas where we will go with this, we wouldn’t want to give our competition an advantage right? 😉

In any case, what is important for you to do is be attentive of the moves that need to be made and contribute to them, even if it is temporarily pulling above our weight. Since the event is all about control of ‘determination points’ prepare to spend some Energy Bars, Stingers and Bombs. Don’t be surprised to be over-hit or walls turned if it increases our chances. Join us on Telegram or follow the PMs and National Feed shouts that will be coming during the event.