[MoFA] sup?

Day 2,088, 15:09 Published in Switzerland USA by Jason Welsh

Hey all, this is your MoFA here introducing myself o/ I'm kinda new, not really. I was MoFA 2 terms ago, but I was away IRL all of last term, I'm coming back to get some stuff done though, and I'm really glad to have this position again.

This term, I'll be managing Switzerland's foreign affairs, communicating with CoT HQ, and assembling support for our big battles. I do send and receive a lot of messages in-game, but I'm usually pretty accessible. If you need to talk to for any reason, just shoot me a PM 🙂 I also go on IRC more often when I have a job like this because responsibility n stuff. If you want to find me on IRC, my nick is jason-welsh and my IRC office is #welshtime.

Over the next few days, I'll be sending friendly messages to other CPs and giving them our cabinet list, and also I'll be looking at the ambassador program.

That's all for now! I'll be sure to post updates to keep everyone in the loop!

Stay sexy guys 😉
