【外交部MOFA】(Day 907) 外交大使任命更新 Update on the list of ambassadors

Day 907, 03:05 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

经过多轮招募后,外交部终于有足够人手应付外交工作,多谢各位近期应征参与外交工作的 玩家。

After several rounds of recruitment, our ministry finally has enough staff to handle our diplomatic work. Thank those who applied for jobs in our ministry.


We have some update in the appointment of our ambassadors. Paladala would be our new ambassador to eSouth Africa. AndrewBaby would be the ambassador to several Northern European countries including eSweden, eFinland and eNorway.


Some of our ambassadors have already started their work actively. Thanks for your support to our work.

Xenon Ng
Minister of Foreign Affairs, eChina