[MoFA] Chile congela adhesion al NAP Sudamericano (ES/EN)

Day 3,536, 12:00 Published in Chile Chile by Cancilleria eChile

Amigos y aliados,

El gobierno de eChile informa oficialmente que hemos decidido congelar nuestra adhesión al Pacto de no agresión firmado el mes pasado entre los países sudamericanos.

Frente a las situaciones recientes denunciadas y comprobadas, que involucran un deterioro progresivo de las relaciones diplomáticas sudamericanas, creemos prudente congelar los acuerdos derivados del tratado firmado entre los países sudamericanos.

Creemos que nada valen declaraciones de buena voluntad, si un par de jugadores que manejan un desmesurado daño contrarrestan deliberadamente y sin medir consecuencias la supremacía territorial que nuestra alianza desea recuperar, prevista ampliamente en los términos del pacto.

Mientras el gobierno peruano no sea capaz de controlar a estos jugadores, no podemos continuar con una farsa que beneficia a sólo una de las partes unilateralmente.

Por un lado, en el papel, se avanza por la paz sudamericana, y por otro, visiblemente, se consolida la ocupación foránea de nuestras regiones debido a la influencia beligerante peruana.

Por todo lo anterior, declaramos que nuestra postura se dirige a instar a la diplomacia del Peru a neutralizar a su oposición, que si no fuera determinante y destructora de nuestros objetivos básicos, simplemente la ignoraríamos.

Instamos al gobierno de ePeru a volver a la mesa de negociaciones para aclarar y renegociar los contenidos del tratado.

Yosemite Sam01
CP Chile

MoFA Chile

English version

Friends and allies,

The government of eChile officially informs that we have decided to put on ice our adhesion to the Non-aggression Pact signed last month between the South American countries.

In view of the recent denounced and verified situations, which involve a progressive deterioration of the South American diplomatic relations, we believe it as prudent to freeze the agreements derived from the treaty signed between the South American countries.

We believe that nothing of goodwill is worth anything if a pair of players who deal with boundless damage deliberately counteract, and without measuring consequences, the territorial supremacy that our alliance wishes to recover, widely planned in the terms of the pact.

As long as the Peruvian government is not able to control these players, we can not continue with a farce that benefits only one party unilaterally.

On the one hand, on paper, the South American peace is advancing, but on the other, visibly, the foreign occupation of our regions is being consolidated due to Peruvian belligerent influence.

For all of the above, we declare that our position is aimed at urging Peruvian diplomacy to neutralize its opposition, which, if it were not decisive and destructive of our basic objectives, we would simply ignore it.

We urge the Peruvian government to return to the negotiations to clarify and renegotiate the terms of the treaty.

Yosemite Sam01
CP Chile

MoFA Chile