[MDP] Time For Work

Day 2,639, 12:20 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

I hope all you maggots enjoyed your vacation. You've had two months of kind-hearted, gentle leaders who didn't make too many demands and let you soft-bellied slackers have seconds of dessert.

It's time for PP elections again. Play Time with Ardy and Mary was fun, but we have work to do. PT until you puke!

MDP Wants You!

Let's not sugar-coat it: the party - along with the game - is in a state of decline. The MDP was never out to win any popularity contests and be the biggest, brightest technicolour moose at Woodstock like some other parties we could mention, but we've been hanging in there at number two for a while. This is fine - we're small but efficient, and we can run the show from any position. But we can be bigger and better than we are. There's room for growth.

Back in the old days, when people still got around on wooden ships and died from scurvy, naval crews (pirates, really) would roll into town in a "press gang" and grab up whoever they wanted and haul them away as new crewmen. And those fresh pirates served as they were told until they were murdered, killed in battle or died of scurvy and/or syphilis.

The Military Dictatorship Party is going to form its own Press Gang of recruiters. We won't be doing it pirate-style, because we don't want to fill the party with whiny hippies just to meet a quota. We're going to headhunt the best, the brightest and the boldest, and let the pointless chaff drift into CPF or Clan Wolf like they always do.

Contact me if you would like to be a part of the Press Gang, and want to lead by example.

As incentive, I am offering a reward of 50 q7 tanks plus 500 CC to our top 2 recruiters.

Control The Media

While we continue to follow a policy of "do much, say little," it's occasionally fine to let the sheep know who the real shepherds are once in a while. A bigger media presence makes recruiting easier. So, quite simply, we're going to dominate the media. Write a pro-MDP article, tag it [MDP] in the title, and kill these other pointless brain-trash articles polluting every category. eCanada belongs to us, so let's act like it.

Xander's Military Council

When the butthurt "outsider" tambourine-rattlers complain about the "elitist cabals" running the show, it is the MDP's Military Council they are whinging about. Spots are open for a seat on next month's Military Council - be a part of eCanada's Illuminati Templar Rosicrucians! Learn the secret location of Plato's Grail! Sneer in contempt at the unwashed plebians like the rest of us do!

New people are welcome, several old people will be returning.

Return of Congress

Like it or not, Congress will be back in session soon. We're going to need to marshall our political might against the flood of hippies and terrorists that want to ruin the perfect system we have now with their "democracy." Let's make a strong showing in Congress and whip the naughty monkeys into submission.

Working With Other Parties

When it serves the greatest overall good of eCanada, the MDP must occasionally work alongside lesser entities to achieve great works. We shall continue our course of nation-building and leadership, and will continue to oppose all those domestic malcontents, miscreants and morons whom we know to be destructive and harmful to our long-term prosperity.

Really, MDP works with other parties in much the same way that the gentleman in this painting works with animals:

Vote Xander for Dictator, because MDP gets shit done.