[MATHS] Pay 2 win: The Struggle

Day 2,267, 04:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rob the Bruce

As I am housebound due to illness, I decided to see about getting an upgrade in the future to produce my own weapons rather than paying or begging the masters of my MU.
And so I took a look at my upgrade screen:

So as we can see, to upgrade my Q2 weapons factory to the coveted Q7 position, I need 1200 gold. Jesus, so how long's that going to take without paying?

Let's see, shall we?

This here is my training set up, I do those 2 crappy training grounds every day until I get a super soldier medal. I make 20 strength a day, so I get a medal every 12.5 days according to my calculator, round that up because half a day is weird as hell so 13 days (excluding the bonuses for completing daily tasks) gets me 5 gold.

So, with me needing to make 1200 gold and getting 5 gold every 13 days, if I use my calculator here...

1200/5 is 240. So I need 240 medals to get the gold.
240 x 13 is 3120 So earning all these medals would take 3120 days, which is... quite a few years. A good chunk of my life. Now I would make 104 hard worker medals in that time. To put the amount of time in perspective, Iain Keers at the time of writing has 53 hard worker medals. I'm assuming during that time the bonus strength for doing the daily tasks won't get me enough medals to do it much quicker.

I'm not getting this for free am I? *sigh*


So here we have the best value package Plato has on offer. I'll round it down because I doubt 7p's going to make a difference. I'll need to buy that 4 times to get the upgrade. -mental maths time-... so I need to spend £320 to do that.

For that money I could buy:
32000 1p sweets (do shops still do those anymore? *sigh*)

21 copies of Skyrim from Steam

96 packets of strepsils

A lot of the hats on Team Fortress 2

323 original McFlurrys (unless the price has gone up from 99p, haven't had one in ages)


Game plz

Rob the Bruce
- Amateur mathsmun