[外電: 聯盟公告] LETO: New HQ and goals

Day 2,456, 00:18 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CKWang


Dear citizens of the new world
Yesterday CPs of Leto members gathered together to choose the new HQ for our alliance.Before introducing the new members of HQ , I would like to show my gratitude to our ex-HQ for an amazing job and great effort they put in work last month. I'm sure I'm talking from everyone in Leto when I say I appreciate your time and service for our alliance.
昨天 LETO 聯盟成員國的 CP 們聚在一起選出了新的指揮團隊。在介紹新的指揮團隊成員前,我想先感謝前指揮團隊上個月的貢獻與成就。我確定可以代表 LETO 的每一個人感謝你們為聯盟付出的時間與服務。

About the new alliance , below you can see how new formation of our HQ looks like

Secretary General (SG)
Persian Punisher

Deputy Secretary General (dSG)

Supreme Commander (SC)

Assistant Supreme Commander (aSC)
I n f 0 r m e r

Deputy Supreme Commander (dSC)

Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SoFA)

Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs (dSoFA)
Jessica Binai

You might wonder what's gonna change this month , how's the new HQ intending to improve and make a better future for our alliance. Well wait no more , here's 3 steps we've planned on for a better alliance that can be useful for all countries involved and its citizens.

First , A more active LETO ! We believe communicating is the only way for a united and successful alliance . To motivate governments to participate in meetings regularly , new rules have been prepared. A country has to be preset in at least 50% of the meetings (or send someone to represent them), otherwise a meeting to discuss their expulsion will be held.

首先,更有活力的 LETO! 我們相信溝通是聯盟統合與邁向成功的唯一道路。為了讓各國政府更有動機規率地參與集會,新的規定正在規劃中。任一個國家在聯盟會議的出席率必需達到 50% 以上 (至少丟個代表過來開會),不然將會開會討論逐出聯盟。

Second , for a better coordination of military actions and fighters , LMA (Leto Mobile Army) is our solution.To serve its purpose we felt like some changes needed to happen.
Each country gets to appoint a captain who can manage his own fighters.There also will be various new ways of communication between SCs ,captains and fighters.

第二,為了更有效地統合聯盟的軍事行動與戰力,LMA (LETO Mobile Army,樂透機動部隊) 將是我們的解決方案。為了實現它我們會做出一些改變。每個國家將要提供一名隊長,他需要有能力管理該國的機動戰力,將有幾個新的溝通管道來聯繫聯盟指揮官、隊長、以及各國戰士們。

The article about LMA and newly open recruitment has been (or will) be published by your governments in your language. (Example : Australia)
LMA 樂透機動部隊的招募文章將發布至各國政府並譯為各國語言 (如澳洲)。

Third , LETO and Asteria coordination/planning is something we feel like should be improved.Actions have already been made.
第三, LETO 與 Asteria 合作是我們改進的目標,我們已經開始一些動作。

At the end , I thought I should quote what our SG (Persian Punisher) said about stated goals above :
最後,我想引用指揮部頭子 Persian Punisher 描述的願景:

"Obviously these ain’t our only goals. We will try to finish this term with congress for all of our 13 members, even if we know that it will not be easy. That’s why this point is not in those 3 above. We can’t get congress for all members if we do not have success in those 3 points stated earlier. We can’t get congress for all members if we do not fight together with Asteria. We can’t get congress for all members if we do not fight as a team, if we are not active enough to tell our players to fight for A and not for ourselves."
“很明顯地這並不我們 (LETO HQ) 唯一的目標,我們希望在這個任期,為十三個會員國組成議會,即使我們很明白這並不容易。這一點並沒有列在上面三個步驟中,因為在完成前三個步驟前,我們無法讓所有的會員國共同擁有議會。我們也無法在與 Asteria 順利並肩作戰前擁有議會。我們更無法在結合成一個團隊之前擁有共同議會。如果我們的動作不夠清楚明白地告知公民們,我們是為了 A (譯按: 這A是三小?) 而戰,而不只是為了自己。”

To finish off this article ,If anyone of you feels like there are useful suggestions , critics and ideas about alliance activity , Feel free to PM me and I make sure to choose the legit ones and bring them up in our meetings. PM to Sor3naa

For a better alliance
To be united
To the victory

Hail Australia
Hail Belarus
Hail Canada
Hail Colombia
Hail Czech Republic
Hail France
Hail Iran
Hail Israel
Hail Montenegro
Hail Peru
Hail Portugal
Hail Republic of Moldova
Hail RoC Taiwan
Hail Leto
Hail Asteria

Your rock and roll SoFA