[JAPAN] Q1 Weapons for Newspaper Subscriptions

Day 756, 23:48 Published in Japan Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Citizens of Japan,

To quote my advertisement:
1. Title:
"Q1 Weapons for Newspaper Subscriptions"
2. Body:
"Vote/Subscribe. Comment with your subscription number.
I'll check the article each night, and send a Q1 Weapon to each subscriber.
Simple. Easy. Free."

Donations complete through Comment #289.

Here is how this works:
1. Vote this article.
2. Subscribe this newspaper.
3. Comment with your subscription number.
4. At my evening [MST] article check, I send you a Q1 weapon.

This promotion is primarily meant for the benevolent Citizens of Japan.
To get a weapon, you should meet any one of the following criteria.
---a. Possess Japan citizenship or residence.
---b. Possess China citizenship or residence.
---c. Possess USA citizenship or residence.

My intent is to gain Japanese readers for my newspaper.
In the days to come, I may have a message for you.
I ask you to help me build a foundation for my words to spread throughout eJapan.

Please vote. Please subscribe. Please Shout.

Max McFarland 2
CEO, McFarland Constructions
General Manager, McFarland Defense Systems
General Manager, McFarland Hospitals
Citizen, eUSA