“Guardians” new military unit

Day 2,568, 11:51 Published in Chile North Macedonia by Zhonga
Hello eWorld.

We (Nexous,Vojne,HustlerTV) created MU,"Guardians"
Our leadership:

Military Unit Commander : Nexous
2nd Commander : Vojne
2nd Commander: HustlerTV

This MU is only for players from D3.
Everyone can join in our MU.For entering in our MU we have some conditions.
They are :
1.First of all u must be in D3
2.You must have 50.000 str or more
3.If you want to join u need to contact our Commander or second commanders (Nexous,Vojne,HustlerTV)
4.To follow orders from commanders
5.For actions u need to be on our channel #Guardians http://tinyurl.com/kg6tudk
6.And last one.You need to wear our avatar.
Also when we will have actions,on chat we will supply weapons for everyone.

For more info contact Nexous,Vojne,HustlerTV

“Guardians” new military unit