[F1] Championship Standings end of Round 3

Day 1,423, 21:42 Published in India India by DonMogul

I am sorry to report that this time there will not be a video of the race. A great majority of the recorded portion of the race FRAPS did not record properly. Jerky footage, stuttering sound and for about 30 of the 56 laps there was no footage at all!

Round 4 will not be a 100% race distance. It will be our 20% sprint! The next round will take place at Monaco!

I will do my best to describe the race here:

First Laps:

Suvajit had an incredible start off the line and immediately started to pull out a small gap. TheScarecrow however seemed to be driving in reverse. By the end of the first lap he was down from 2nd to 6th. Mark Webber and Miltiadis one constantly squabbling over 3rd place.

Middle of the race:

At lap 32 Neeraj102 took too much speed into a corner and drifted wide. The tyres on the left hand side of his car were on the grass and he lost traction. The left side of his car crashed into a barrier and sent those tyres bouncing merrily away... to AnuragSah2's misfortune. He happened to be lapping Neeraj102 at the time and one of the flying tyres smashed into his suspsension - damaging it and removing him from the race.

Pit stops coming thick and fast throughout the lap 31-40 pit window. It became apparent some cars were not sticking to the strategy nominated by their managers. But for the most part it turned out to be highly beneficial.

AnuragSah took the lead from Suvajit on lap 35 but pitted on lap 42 handing the lead back to Suvajit.

End of the race:

Suvajit had a puncture on the final lap and had to pit, he crossed the start/finish line in the pits and came in 3rd.

TheScarecrow claimed 2nd place a mere 3 seconds behind the race leader.

And the winner of the Shanghai Grand Prix was..... ANURAG SAH!

Race Results:
1 - Anurag Sah
2 - TheScarecrow
3 - Suvajit
4 - Hamster24
5 - Miltiadis1
6 - Mark Webber
7 - Navincharles
8 - miltiadis12
9 - Maverick -1 Lap
10 - Maverick3 -1 Lap
11 - NagaPrathyush -1 Lap
12 - DonMogul -1 Lap
13 - Sebastien Vettel - 1 Lap
14 - HSR -1 Lap
15 - Shah007zaad -1 Lap
16 - Neeraj103 -1 Lap
17 - DodgeKnight -1 Lap
18 - Neeraj104 -1 Lap
19 - Neeraj10 -1 Lap
20 - Prabal -1 Lap
21 - AnuragSah2 (Accident)
22 - Neeraj102 (Accident)

And now the Championship Standings after round 3!