[eThailand Interviews] A view of the eUK #1

Day 2,449, 04:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

The eThailand Ambassador’s interviews with some familiar faces…

Hello eUK, your friendly neighbourhood hairy twazzock here.

About a week or so ago I, and a few other apparently influential people, were asked by the eThai ambassador for their thoughts and opinions on the current state of this fine nation we call home.

He then released the interviews over two articles in the eThailand media to give them an idea of what the situation was like over here in Blighty.

You can find the original copy here and here but I thought I’d ask Marcus L. Crassus for permission to republish them in our media to allow more of you to have a read. He readily accepted and so below is the first of the two articles for your delectation.

I have lifted the whole interview section verbatim from the original.

The first article includes input from Madelina de Melrose, Huey George, Butjam & a tiny bit from BigAnt. Enjoy….

1)Can You tell me something about current political situation in eUK? As much as I could see- you guys have constant abuse of power, I see CP’s stealing money etc... Quite frivolous, wont You say?

Madelina: Wherever in the world one goes, there will be good guys and there will be bad guys. And sometimes there are people who get their kicks by disrupting things. We have had a few of those in the eUK as well as a couple of CPs who found the temptation to empty the piggy bank just too overwhelming. A while back it was chewchewshoe, now it's BigAnt. Fortunately one person didn't trust him (based on a lot of experience) and stashed some of the money where ant couldn't reach it, so we're not destitute.
As for abuse of power, there's a lot less of that than you'd think. But those outside the eUK only see the bad things - rather like reading one's daily paper. One reads of murders, rapes, robberies, but never reads about those who weren't murdered, raped or robbed. We have excellent people helping lead the eUK, you just heard about the few scoundrels.

Huey: It's difficult to describe the current political situation in the eUK as context and history of past political situations, which would take too long to go into depth on, play a crucial part to answer why we have had recent abuses of power and an often emptied/partly Treasury. However currently I'd say we can be cautiously optimistic about a brighter future. However we need to be careful to try and understand what every citizen in the eUK wants in my mind some still have nefarious motives.
Depending on who you speak to since December we've had between three and four treasury thefts so very frivolous. I'd say three thefts as one former Country President has promised to return the funds. Once again each 'theft' requires in depth analysis however in my opinion were as a result of a citizen seeking approval from the their 'enemies' as oppose to concentrating on their supporters. It's easy to get frustrated and insanely focused when you seek approval or respect from those least likely to give it to you and end up doing something rash.

Butjam: Since I've been part of the UK, there has always been division in the community, differing schools of thought on how we should run stuff. It has changed, recently though. It used to be a contrast between those of The Unity Party, who stuck with the idea that voting in unified blocks, putting the party lines before everything else, was the best way to run a country and everybody else, who was all for free thought and whatnot. The important thing to remember about this disagreement though is that it was healthy, we had a decent political atmosphere and it was, in its own way, fun. What followed that was the arrival of people who set out to manipulate the divide and use it for their own ends. By making claims that they didn't have to provide tangible evidence of, people like Dapper (You may call me V) and BigAnt simply lobbed rhetoric around loudly until somebody took notice.
With a helping hand of dumping out loads of cash all sorts of people were brought under their banners, mostly though you'll find them to be people who've never had a chance to look at the eUK in any other way than through the specific image that Dapper&Co wanted to portray. They isolate them from the rest of the community ("Anything external is stupid!") and find scapegoats to launch vitriol at in order to look like they're taking a stand against 'elitism'. You might notice the for-fun Royal Family in the eUK, that has done nothing but provide fun and charity for years. Their next target will be slamming Alan Warwickshire for being in control of the NHS for months, even though it's a sacrifice he has taken on for the betterment of the entire country.
In summation (because this was a bloody long answer), our once healthy political banter was exaggerated and manipulated, to grow a voter base for a select few who consider themselves the next elites. With all this going on, it doesn't surprise me that the voting ballots have shown a few mistakes.

2)Can You tell me, who are current members of political elite here in eUK, peoples of influence, and who could be new hopes of eUK politics, now when some “oldfags”– have left the eUK?

Madelina: I personally take exception to the "oldfags" as I'm of, er, greater years than many players (I'm a grandmother) and I've been active peripherally in positions of influence for some time. I've been active in our NHS, where we provide energy to new players, and I started eBrit University, a mentorship programme for new players. So I probably have more influence than most, in that I'm a name new players learn early on.
As for those with influence, there are many who have been in high office in the past that I totally trust. Bohemond4 is one. I have an Advisory Committee which includes some "elites" as well as some who are new to politics. The trick is: listen to everyone, be objective, trust but verify then do what one thinks is best for the country.

Huey: I'm not sure we have a political elite any more, the number of citizens having real influence over the country has fluctuated in size and make up a lot recently however generally is growing. There are citizens with a moderate amount of influence from their party, past government experience, military unit etc however I think any one citizen or small group of citizens would struggle to enact wholesale changes to our country, its alliance or it's power base without the support of many different factions. In fact what is happening in this country is we are becoming better at listening to the 'Vox populi' or general public because our political situation often requires a vast number of active and engaged citizens pulling in the same direction to achieve results.

Butjam: There's a few different clusters of Oldfags in the UK. Many of them are in retirement, such as Lionbeard, Thomas765, Talon Karrde and others that you'll generally see slinking around in some of the older parties, mainly PCP, UKRP and TUP.
The Party Oldfags are a bunch of people who I'd say put most of the influence out through their party members, this is people like You May Call Me V(Dapper), BigAnt and Alfagrem. The earlier two were obviously involved in the 'government' this term, but that's an oddity to say the least. Huey George is sort of in this category, with his long standing work for the WRP but has recently been getting more involved with cabinet which is something a lot of us have been hoping for.
You can look at the Royal Army Dental Corps for a list of Oldfags too, from the countries biggest tank, FragUK, to the countries biggest wanker, Waynekerr, we're a bunch of older players who are fairly active. For a small MU, to say that we often have multiple PP spots, plenty of congress seats and cabinet positions we're fairly visible. Not to say this is out of elitism or anything, simply that we're a unit full of active players that do genuinely want to see the eUK do well.
It'd take me an age to list who are the up and coming to be honest, and th eline is sort of blurred for me. There's plenty younger than me that I'd still say are up and coming even though they've already made it. The UK has always been known for having a good, sizeable chunk of its players be intelligent and active politically. I'll name four that have only really popped up recently to me (although one is a returning player from yonks ago) and say watch out for their names:
Akarin Weston and Sir Robert V, Ministers of Defence this term and surprised a lot of us
Michael Ludgate, Charles Moncrieff…

3)Mentioning “oldfags”, what actually happen so Keers and Kravenn, among others, have left eUK?

Madelina: What happened was some very dirty tactics by some who couldn't win by fair means. They PTO'd the largest party in the eUK by bringing in a large number of players FROM AN ENEMY COUNTRY! They managed to get BigAnt into position as PP and then CP - opening the door to his shenanigans. The month I was in Congress, they made it impossible to discuss anything of importance, and spent a great deal of time calling those in other parties by vile epithets. Kravenn was a favourite target, yet I always found her to be more helpful than almost anyone else (she more than anyone explained how things work so I didn't quit the game out of boredom). Keers equally got fed up. I'm an old trade union shop steward and a fighter, and I almost left too, but I didn't want the bad guys to win by default.

Huey: To be honest I'm not the most informed citizen on this. It's true Keers, Kravenn and others from their close knit group have left the UK. Some have said they were driven out as their party TUP was taken over a couple of times and used by groups of citizens to gain power, others have said that they left the UK for new opportunities and to be appreciated once again for their experience and efforts. I believe the true answer lies somewhere between.

Butjam: There has always been an anti-Keers and anti-Kravenn brigade in the UK, it's often been a loud minority though as they have both done tonnes for the UK over the years. I think what happened is we got to a point where the majority was made up of people opposed to their methods (see my answer in question 1), people that thought they were both a couple of wankers and couldn't be arsed helping out and those that just didn't care enough at all. This led to a PTO of TUP by BigAnt.
There were other PTO's, 2 of them were even DC and they got quite irked when the all DC congress list was announced. The difference was this was the first one for political gain and there wasn't any help from anywhere for them. At the end of the day, they decided they'd outstayed their welcome and left. Fortunately they took Lord Farhan with them, we're just waiting for them to come pick up Bohemond to make the country a bit less dull....

4)Can You tell me something about Your possible partners in running the country, and opponents, and what are the main differences on approach between you guys?

Madelina: Like most of the old group of leaders, I try to be fair and give opportunities to all, to learn and grow and thrive. As I said before, despite rumours to the contrary, the "oldfarts" and "elites" were the ones who took time to mentor me and give me opportunities, including putting me high on the list for Congress when I was still a virtual unknown, ahead of other "elites".

Huey: We are a mix group citizens from the established parties of the UK willing to put in the effort to undertake the organisation required to run the country. There are citizens ensuring the country runs day to day, however other citizens which are trying to unite the factions so the UK isn't split by division. The citizens running the country at this moment have a wide diverse base to please. The recent unity of this diverse base is in response to the main opponents which are smaller and organised group of citizens who'd like us to leave Sirius and like to see a change in the traditional management of the country with more citizens who have recently obtained UK citizenship in power as oppose to the general mix of citizens from the established parties of the UK.

Butjam: I've always seen myself as the sort of chap that would work with a bunch of people to get stuff done, if you put me in charge of the government tonight though my cabinet would probably mostly be DC members running the show with a few junior cabinet positions handed out to a few guys that I'd really like to see grow. I won't comment too much because it sounds like picking favourites.
That's my realistic option. When I ran for CP, many moons ago (and under.... let's just say a different name) a big focal point was my elimination of large cabinets that we see now. I was proposing a streamlined cabinet and aimed to build a system called "A civil service" where cabinet ministers would delegate jobs out to anybody willing to pitch in. That's my ideal solution, UK is and always will be my team in my eyes and that is what best encompasses it. That was a hard sell in a nicer time though, so I doubt it'll ever be seen on these shores
I don't really see that many differences between a lot of people here and myself. At the end of the day I'm willing to work with pretty much anybody. Ironically, the only people I won't work with are those who refuse to work with certain people because of silly feuds and divisions. I'm a bit of a hypocrite.

5)I see much talk here, about so called PTO? What are Your standings concerning that matter?

Madelina: PTOs will happen, and it's reasonable for people to stand up and say they want something different in a government. What was despicable was bringing in so many from enemy countries to vote against true eUK citizens. Frankly I think they were just oversized toddlers who were having a tantrum because they didn't get their way all the time.

Huey: PTO is a word used often and is fairly accurate in this situation. I think the traditional base of the UK population has been fairly clear they don't want major change to our alliance or a break from the general mix of citizens from the established parties of the UK running the country, possible just some minor changes. Even those who worked and brought in many of the citizens who have recently obtained UK citizenship have suggested it's a PTO. It's kinda of ironic I think a lot of the citizens in the UK are not against immigration and freedom of choice however we also don't want to have decisions taken away from us and there is a group of citizens who have recently enter the country which seem to only criticise our country and the path we've taken, refuse to join our military units or parties and want an disproportionate say in how things are run.

Butjam: It's a confusing matter and I've given up trying to have an opinion on it. For now my main focuses are keeping my party, UKRP, safe from possible threats and ensuring that eUK continues to do alright. If a takeover does happen then so be it, I'll continue to run the forums for the true community and simply limit my fighting to UK cores and pro-Sirius, as will the rest of DC I expect.

1)Can You tell me something about current political situation in eUK?
BigAnt: Retired

2)Can You tell me, who are current members of political elite here in eUK, peoples of influence, and who could be new hopes of eUK politics, now when some “oldfags”– have left the eUK?
BigAnt: Aka Weston has a big future to play for eUK. Glad I took the gamble on him as my MoD and Sir Robert has impressed.

3)Can You tell me something about Your political opponents, who they are and what are the main differences on approach between you guys?
BigAnt: Keers and Kravenn and will always be a cancer.

4)I see much talk here, about so called PTO? What are Your standings concerning that matter?
BigAnt: I used the serbs to gain power knowing they wanted to steal our money. I beat them to it and now they are pissed.
PTO is gone now you can thank me later.

The next article contains even more glorious words from some other huge names in the eUK today, specifically ME, Mr Woldy & the ever lovely Iain Keers.


UK Reform Party President
Royal Whipping Boy
Hairiest Dentist