[ESO] Our Representatives (Updated w/ Interviews)

Day 2,834, 13:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

Looks like we'll be having a full 40 seat congress, so more fun in the congress messages at least. ESO has made its deals and we can present our representatives. Which would be devilslore and FightAndProduce (me ofc)

About devilslore

devilslore is a old eRep citizer who has returned and has joined ESO relatively recently. Showing an intent to become more involved in eUK politics it is a pleasure to put forward devilslore for his first term in congress on WRP's list.

About FightAndProduce

Like devilslore I have returned and joined ESO recently. My congress term shall hopefully consist of the following.

• Blacklisting dougal
• Posting reaction gifs in the congress message
• Taking a few worthwhile screenshots and releasing thme as an article.

On top of all the being a congress member and voting on proposals, of course. I've been in congress a few times, I guess that's meant to mean something 😛. I will be running on TUP's congress list.


Why should the eUK vote for you to be in congress and for ESO candidates running in coalition with top 5 parties in general?

DL: I think eUK should vote for me as I am here to help eUK with whatever is possible.

FaP: The eUK should vote for me because I can keep congress and government accountable. The eUK should vote for ESO candidates in general since we can't just run 10 people for congress regardless of ability. We have to put people on the lists who can represent our party otherwise we are not involved at all.

What do you plan to do in congress this month?

DL: I am planning on getting more UK Citizens for my friends and Advertising eUK on Facebook. I am also going to try and start to get the country back in order the way it should be.

FaP: I will be making sure we let in the right people. Some people view congress as being useless under a dictatorship, constitutional or not. I can't entirely disagree. But if congress can actually get themselves involved and give proper input and make sure the government is questioned before they take actions then its worth it to me.

Should we blacklist dougal? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
DL: Maybe

FaP: Definitely, its only fitting for the creator of the blacklist bill to be blacklisted 😛.

Do you have any fine gifs and/or epic me mes to post?



Any final words to the fine people of the eUK?

DL: Lets get this Country back to where it once was, we can do this.

FaP: Lets do stuff, yeah! That's what we'll do!


Thanks to TUP and WRP for their support. Make sure to vote smart and vote for these ESO candidates \o/.

Also, thanks for reading.
