[外電] eSK 戰後聲明

Day 2,380, 01:06 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CKWang

譯序: 再次被打趴的 eSK 發表戰後宣言,大家加減看吧~

[SK] Failure but possibility

First of all, I am very grateful to all the countries, alliances, and personnel who helped our AS and RW plan against Taiwan for Congress. Despite such tragic failure to defend Chungcheonbuk-do and win AS battle against Ireland, we do see this incident as a hope and possibility of success in the future.


Our original plan was to win AS battle in Ireland as delaying ChungCheongbuk-do defense as long as possible for our safe settlement in Europe in order to escape from Taiwan’s tremendous mockery and occupation. Then, this plan seemed to flow very smoothly till 2nd round of AS battle in which we gained 21 points as delaying Defending War successfully with help of PhantomMKD and other friends who eagerly participated in control and battle order.

我們最初的計劃是打贏對愛爾蘭的空襲,並拖延忠清北道保衛戰,直到我們可以在歐洲站穩腳步,逃離台灣的霸凌與佔領。這計劃一開始進行的很順利,空襲的第二回合我們拿下二十一點,並在 PhantomMKD等朋友們早先的幫助下,成功延遲了保衛戰。

However, as the 3rd round of AS began, the situation turned into the worst scenario we imagined. Despite thorough control of Irish government for damage controls and Aurora & ProSirius Battle order, because of unbelievably high CO by Taiwan, some Irish people continued to fight for TP, and others for CO. Moreover, as our fund was about to be depleted, Taiwan extorted the dominance of battles by their money power. Indeed, it was an unfortunate for SK to be occupied for long period without any income, thus unable to raise such tremendous amount of fund for CO. In addition, silence of Sirius HQ regarding our battle made such circumstance worse.

然而,到了空襲的第三回合,我們最害怕的情況發生了。即使在愛爾蘭政府的節制,以及 Aurora & ProSirius 的軍令調控之下,一些愛爾蘭人們因台灣開出難以相信的高額 CO (譯按: 更瘋狂的是,南韓也一起對自己的空襲方D3了 CO) 而持續輸出傷害。在我們幾近燒乾錢錢時,台灣以他們的錢力主宰了戰場。事實上,因為南韓長期被佔領以致於缺乏收入,無法提供高額的 CO。另外,Sirius 指揮部對這場戰事的沉默也讓情況變得更糟。

However, this battle was able to show a sort of possibility for our success to open congress. With damage inflow and support from Aurora and ProSirius along with some people from Sirius, we could conclude now that it is matter of money now to grab a victory. Moreover, watching the participation rate of RW war and AS battles in SK, I can dare to say our future is bright and our proud citizens deserve to enjoy this game with peace and fun.

然而,這場戰爭提示了我們成功重開議會的可能性。在 Aurora、ProSirius、以及部份Sirius 朋友的幫助下,我們可以得到結論:抓住勝利的關鍵在於錢錢。另外,當看到了南韓起義與空襲戰有這麼多朋友參與之後,我可以大膽地說,我們的未來是光明的,而我們光榮的公民們終將和平喜樂地享受這個遊戲。

Once again, my deepest appreciation and thank to all countries, MUs, citizens who flied to our country to help, especially to our everlasting friends, Aurora and ProSirius who did their best for us! We hope to have more opportunity to fight side by side in a battlefield once again.

再一次地,我致上最深的感謝予所有幫著我們國家的國家、軍團、公民,特別是永誼長存的 Aurora與ProSirius,他們為我們付出最多。我希望有更多的機會,可以再次並肩作戰。

Thanks for reading.

May God’s blessing be upon SK and our friends. O7

Park Ju Chan
CP of South Korea – May 24, 2014


譯注: 摘要原網址下一些回應:

1. Queen Emeraldas Day 2,377, 06:08
we have to discuss for next month, to build a wise and well constructed plan

2. 部份愛爾蘭公民不爽政府急於放行 AS,所以在 AS 中打反,這部份阻力可能下次會橋好。

3. eSK 本土拖延戰術的調度問題以及放錯 CO 的狀況有被拿出來檢討,下次可能就會更難纏了。