Day 597, 20:58 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Dear Friends,

Would you like some theme music?
~ It's not quite music yet it's quite musical. It's outdated, yet I like it for this piece. Watch and enjoy. ^_~

Today is Day 1,842. You might have found your way here if you are on my friends list. As you can see, the original is old... Day 1,069. The original was the only article I ever published that I did not write. I have wanted to delete it for a long time... yet it somehow didn't seem right. Erasing history. Besides, once I left anyway, why go back to it? Now it has an unexpected benefit... it's a good place to host a nice quiet last article without any fuss or notice.

A Brief Chronology:
1. Max McFarland never did amount to much, long since banned and dead.
2. Max McFarland 2 amounted to somewhat more, yet became a footnote in history.
3. Max McFarland 3 might someday become something different.

I never was in the habit of recording a biography or stocking a Wiki page. What did MM2 accomplish? Some good things, some bad things. The articles in this Journal are perhaps the best historical record. There is a Wiki entry someone wrote... it's short yet sweet. My thanks to whoever made it. Overall, in hindsight, I was bad at politics, better at supporting roles. I should have stuck to the things I was good at. Media was always good fun.

Best accomplishment? Strength seven field marshal. It was possible as early as six, but I didn't max tank daily from the first day. I think only Parter did. Screen caps one and two. The simple stuff is sometimes the most fun.

Anyway, enough of such talk. In this new world we live but one life at a time. It's once again time to move on. Naturally, I'll rest here in the sands... the Hawaiian sands. Someday I might perhaps be followed by another.

By the way, if you're not Dioist yet, get right with the God-Emperor. Read the book. Get /v/irginized. If you're in the eUSA, you can start using this banner to openly display your newfound pride and power. Or not. Whatever.

Cheers. 🙂 😉 😉 😃 😎

Max McFarland 2
~ Just Max. Nothing special.

We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio.
May the love of Dio be with you, forever.