[DoCA] Prestige Point for Anti-Pack Players

Day 3,252, 09:03 Published in USA USA by Department of Citizen Affairs

Hello eAmericans!

We've been studying about new aircraft module so far. If you want to see last articles of our department, click our newspaper and read over them. So, what are we going to talk about today? Well, I know you are interested in this topic.

The Prestige Point it is.

Prestige points are collected during a week and can be exchanged for prizes on the homepage.

Points can be collecte😛

-> For every hit made in battles - 1 Prestige point
-> For every 10 Energy consumed in guerrilla fights - 1 Prestige point
-> Bazookas, Rockets and Bombs count as 1 Prestige point each, no matter how much damage they deal
(erepublik official wiki)

I am going to talk about prestige points, but I will divide our article into two parts each for 1. Anti-Pack Players / 2. PP&BP Players who are fighting in the air.

1. Anti-Pack Players

Packs cost a lot of RL money. If we buy packs, we are going to lose at least 25 euros(for BP and PP) which we can use for a great dinner, transportation expenses, or our nephew's new toy. Also, the money we payed is going to go to Plato's wallet and he will become more rich. This is the reason why we don't pay RL money in this game.

However, we want to enjoy the battle module of this game. In that case, we should build at least 500 PP and get that +10 health recovery. We must hit 500 times at the battlefield to get 500 PP. That is 5000 health, and 5000 health is not a small amount for us. So, how can we effectively get PP and ebars with no packs?

First assumption - Only fighting in sky battles

We can divide this by two cases again. See below

*If we lose some health, we will loose 5 Q5 tickets too.

I assumed that we always have erep in our mind so we won't lose a single health. Also I assumed that we will immediately have +10 coverage when we use ebars at the start of the week.

Answer is simple. If you have some ebars and if you want to build up aircraft rankpoints, eat up ebars at the starting point of the week and get that +10 coverage as soon as possible. You will lose some ebars but you will hit 800 times more than those who don't use ebars.

If you want to build up your ebar stack, don't use them but your health is going to rise extremely slowly.

Second assumption - Fighting in epic battles

If you decided to fight in epic battles at the starting point of the week, the story will change a lot. Look below.

If you decided to keep ebars, you won't have extra ebars than the previous assumption even though you put damage in epic. If you decided to make 500 pp first, you will only lose 2 ebars per week. If you decided to make 5000 pp first, you will loose enormous ebars every week. So, don't do that unless you have huge ebar stack.

However, there is something we are missing. If we put damage on epic war, we cannot gain aircraft rankpoints. Instead, we gain ground rankpoints. Therefore, I picked one best ways to start a week from each assumption and compared them.

I cannot say anything for this. Both have their strong points and weak points. If you have some ebars you can spend, don't go to epic and waste your health. If you want to save ebars, go to epic as soon as the new week starts. Make sure you don't use weapons at the epic battles. You don't have to "kill" enemies. All you need is prestige points and you can get it by simply spending your health in there.

I will come back soon with guide for pack users!

Comet Academy
Secretary of Citizen Affair