[Darwin] Alert!

Day 246, 21:17 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by E.I.N.H.A.N.D.E.R.X

Sehubungan dengan situasi perang yang sedang terjadi saat ini, maka ada beberapa hal yang harus disampaikan terutama untuk warga eDarwin:

* Pembagian gift regular per minggu untuk sementara distop, namun bagi warga eDarwin yang angkat senjata dalam perang lawan SA, silakan hubungi saya jika membutuhan suntikan wellness (add id YM: abanesta)

* Program Indograkk "Welcome to Darwin" tetep berjalan. Saat ini sedang dijajaki koordinasi antarmayor mengenai hal ini. In the meantime, saya sudah mengadakan pembicaraan awal dengan Costelo Groups untuk potongan harga ticket (detail akan dirilis kemudian).

* Bagi warga eIndonesia yang akan perang, eDarwin adalah salah satu kota yang memiliki RS Q4. Bagi warga Jakarta, bisa hubungi mayornya untuk mendapatkan subsidi ticket sebesar 10 IDR (potongan harga ticket dari Kota Darwin belum bisa direalisasikan saat situasi perang).

Demikian beberapa hal yang menjadi ketetapan resmi region eDarwin saat ini. Let's fight The country needs us!!!!

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With regards to the present conflict situation, there are few things that must be informed, particularly to the eDarwin Community:

* The distribution of weekly regular gifts shall be temporary halted, for eDarwin Community that joins the war against SA, you may contact me if you need the wellness injection (add id YM: abanesta).

* The Indograkk Program “Welcome to Darwin” is still operating. Currently, assessment on this matter is coordinate among major. In the meantime, I have conducted the preliminary contact with the Costelo Groups on the cut of ticket price (more details shall be released accordingly)

* For Indonesian Citizen that will join the war, eDarwin is one of the city which has Q4 hospital. Jakarta Citizen can contact its mayor to obtain the subsidized ticket worth 10 IDR (the cut on ticket price from Darwin City can not be materialize in war/conflict situation).

Thus concludes the issues which considered as present official stipulation/statement of eDarwin region. Let's fight The country needs us!!