[國防部]D2355 05:00 最新戰報 Latest News from the Battlefield

Day 2,355, 05:35 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Jewelz Cheng


不出所料, 德國昨睌揮軍攻擊蘇格蘭, 火力(CO?)是前所未有的猛, 直到今早起床已落後0:44
隨著我們進入優勢時間, 德國也相對地進入劣勢時間, 我們一度追上22:44
但德國再次開出高額CO (D4 25cc/m), 我方被再次甩開


聯盟方面暫沒提任何實則作戰部署前, 北愛的勝負沒有很重要, 北愛起義勿燒

另外, 法國向德國提了NE, 但這會過嗎? 這NE案沒過的話, 接下來的德台NE場也是勿燒

最後, 南朝鮮/日本起義請一直壓死死就對了
最後, 南朝鮮/日本起義請一直壓死死就對了
最後, 南朝鮮/日本起義請一直壓死死就對了


Hail eROC!

Fellow Citizens,

As I have expected, eGermany is very clever and attack us in Scottland last night when we were sleeping. And it's already 0:44 when we getup this morning. They were so powerful (COful?) and we did get some points and it became 22:44 while Europe enter sleeping time. Then they just start another over-priced CO again and closing the war.

At the same time, eUnited Kingdom start RW in N. Ireland. The result is not important at all at this stage, so please don't fight too hard, save some resources for a must-win-war.

eFrance has peoposed eGerman as NE but I am still not sure if it would be approved or not. If it doesn't, not seems it would be easy for us to stop eGerman.

Last but not the least, please suppress ALL South Korea and Japan RWs.

Jewelz Cheng, MoD of eROC

Hail eROC!

~2013 1月CP 葉赫