[CP] Ten Times NoTie

Day 3,701, 07:58 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens and other readers,

By now, I have settled the Presidential Office once again after a long hiatus. The cigars and liquor of my last CP term have been dug out and taste as good as ever. Apparently Odan & Shawtyl0w took more of an interest in beer and hence my collection has been left untouched. I've found the Katy Perry costumes in one of the abandoned offices of Het Torentje but have decided to leave them there for now. The past is the past.

Sadly many offices of Het Torentje has been left for death for ages and it will take a lot of time and labour to dust all the places of various Ministries. As I now enter the Office for the 10th time I look back at more prosperous times in Offices. Behind the desk I see various paintings of gorilla's together with a certain Admiral. I sigh and can only hope that we'll have such exciting times once again. In the bin I find Dutch-French dictionaries from WillemTheConqueror, muffled under the supposed crown of King Kordak.

Enough with the sentimentalism. My first priority, except for the most formal procedures during the start of a term, is to attempt to bring back some of the citizens that once were with us. I am preparing a message to be sent to all old players who had an account on our forums (+- 3000), in the hope that some can be enticed if only to take a peek. Many (some very active & experienced) have only eDied in recent times due to the dud that the eNetherlands has honestly become for various reasons.

For the past couple of days you may have noticed I've been speaking around a lot on channels like our national feed, on Discord of by personal eRepublik PM. That will be the modus operandi of this term. I hope to utilize all in-game options to communicate within our country and to discuss matters. One major subject has been the future of the forum, where currently all governing is done (despite the utter lack of participation and activity there). Over the coming weeks I hope to see many of you in discussions on how to improve such matters. Be sure to read further articles or watch the national feed!

The latest election results and the overall enthusiasm in the society the last few days has given me much hope. Not only were there a bit more votes during the last elections, the outcome also makes me believe that people very much still believe in the potential of the eNetherlands. Now it seems more than ever renewed leadership is required. Onwards!

By the way, I'm happy to announce that I've invited eRepTrader to the Ministry of Finances. A new face and viewpoint in the Government is certainly helpful in re-activating our country, or so I hope. For an overview of the Government for January see the following:

Country President: NoTie112
Vice President: Gwom

Ministry of Defense & Foreign Affairs: Shawtyl0w
Ministry of Finances: eRepTrader
Ministry of Recruitment: Gwom
State Secretary: MaartenW

Kind regards,
Your Country President NoTie112