[CP] Presidential update - A rough start

Day 3,220, 12:41 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

It's been a few days now and my government is experiencing some activity problems. Of course that won't stop us from reaching our goals. Group chats have been created and each ministry is discussing the best way to achieve our goals.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is slowly but surely picking up it's daily routines and the deputy feddolt is starting to actively approach foreign governments. This month we will drop some of the usual MPPs and try to sign new ones seeking to improve relations with other friendly countries. Discussions with our neighbors will soon be opened in order to improve regional communication and create opportunities within the war module of this game.

The Ministry of Defense has also experienced some inactivity at the start of this month. Our minister odan will have some extra time the next few days to ensure we can start the MoD program as soon as possible. He will create an account at egov4you.org and bring back the Battle Order articles. In the past few days we've followed Orion orders and even though we will continue to do so, we will communicate these orders to all of you using the media landscape.

As Minister of Education, Gwom is working on an article around the theme 'Dictatorship'. I hope he will be able to publish this article near the end of my presidential term. Next to the effort of Gwom I've personally requested all of you to dive into this topic and write a quality piece about the dictatorship and it's possible abolishment. As no one has published a single article for days now I'd like to remind you that you can earn yourself 5 gold if I deem the article enlightening.

Lastly our Ministry of Finance is working on a paper on the countries' finances. We hope to shed some light on the new situation we are experiencing after the latest resources wars and the following economic updates concerning taxes.

In the picture below you can see an overview of our tax income in the past few months. I case you are wondering what these spikes are, they are income from Combat Orders we collected thanks to the heavy fighting from our tanks.

Orion HQ elections

The first Tuesday into a new term Orion has new HQ elections. This month two of our citizens hold a seat in the HQ of our alliance. Shawtyl0w is active as dSoFA while odan is named advisor. Being part of Orion HQ is of great importance to our country. I would like to encourage other players to step forward and join next months' HQ as We need some new eNL players to join the leaders of our Alliance.

The Official Orion HQ presentation article can be found here.

Yours truly,

Country President of the Netherlands