[CP] Future-Proof?

Day 3,729, 12:35 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens and other readers,

This can be seen as both an end of term report and a announcement of my intention to continue my work as Country President, as much is yet to be done. This term hasn't seen as much happening to my liking as I wanted (be it due to my own busier real life, the lack of real enthusiasm/activity in our country and so on), but I'm of believe that it has been an improvement over earlier months and has laid important fundaments for months to come. We also reactivated our international presence by good activity within Orion (including successfully defending Cuba and Venezuela) and improved relations with notably Pacifica (which explains the USA MPP). Combined with our still superb relations with Asteria we're a very secure (perhaps boringly so) country. There were some plans and goals outlined in my earlier articles as candidate and eventual as Country President. Some have been reached, some are in process and some are not.

In this term we've had a survey within DAF, concerning topics ranging from the functioning of commander Odan to the (defunct) supply system. Following the survey we are of intent to take several steps, which line up with the earlier mentioned plans by me. First of all we intended to solve the commune 'problem'. The state owns several communes, which haven't been used in months. For now we have a deal with the commune holders Heikanu & Dave Brinkman to offer us a supply of weapons from those factories and in the future we're looking into whether or not providing players to work there is viable.

We also are taking efforts to reintroduce a personalized supply system after the results of the survey. This can provide a good base to utilize our limited numbers to the fullest. A D4 tank has not the same needs as a new player focusing on Air Warfare or a D2/D3 player wanting to save on XP. Lastly, DAF Commander Odan has been removed from its position and the Government is intending to offer Shawtyl0w as a replacement, an issue which DAF will shortly have a vote on.

The Ministry of Finances has also taken steps to prepare ourselves better for the challenges to come in-game. We have taken steps to use a good part of the remaining monthly budget to a dedicated (mainly) Combat Order Fund, that can be used flexibly and swiftly. Together with a renewed stack of Q7 weapons our chances in a real war have significantly improved.

As can be seen, progress has been slow and much of the work is only temporarily and needs to be properly combed out to provide a permanent change (as in laws/regulations) as to not let it all collapse when we have another few months of inactivity coming up. Other goals/plans haven't been reached at all, sadly. Our population fell from +-160 to +- 140. I wanted to have a return call to all forum accounts, but so far this hasn't been done. I hope that in the next month the preparations for such an effort are finished by the Forum Admins and we can start sending out those calls.

The Monetary Market program, in which we used to earn a significant sum of money each months, is still inactive (and has been for months). It's hard to find people willing and stably active to work on this again. An alternative or a reform to the forum/Congress still hasn't been reached. Many people seem to have given up recently. However, I do think we've taken important steps on this matter.

Much of what we're doing in this game has actually been moved in-game. The DAF Survey was taken in-game and Congress accepted the results of the survey with a great majority with the removal of the DAF Commander, for example. This month has seen relatively many articles by the Government, offering transparency to our citizens in-game. Hopefully this can be a step in the right direction to properly 'clean house' and reform our (forum) system into a more endurable and fitting (as of 201😎 one.

To conclude/TLDR: Not many revolutionary things have been happening this month, but important fundaments have been laid down to continue work upon. Therefore I intend to run for Country President once again. You know what I stand for and what I can offer and if you want to continue this path together with me I count on your vote the 5th of February!

Kind Regards,
Your Country President NoTie112