[外電-美國CP政務宣告] 向前走

Day 2,400, 04:27 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CKWang

[譯序] 美國總統 Day 2398 的宣告,確認投入支援盟友歐洲戰事的成功,並將持續擴大。


I just received a very nice diplomatic memo from Chile thanking the USA for all its coordinated damage for them in the fighting with Romania. The effort on the part of the USA is exactly what was laid out by this administration at the end of the Canadian conflict. We have made ourselves available to our allies to assist them in their battles on the European continent. Our allies and friends are noticing and it is meaningful.


Yesterday the Department of Defense, under the direction of Secretary of Defense Dmjohnston, resurrected one of the most popular and oldest meet-ups in eRepublik. Arm America was reactivated for the US population, notices were sent out and the USA crashed a couple of mini-battles for Chile. The USAF, along with many private MUs from across the nation got together to secure victories across all divisions. It was an excellent reminder of what can be accomplished when we have an organized and unified front.

昨天美國國防部在防長 Dmjohnston 指導之下,重建了新世界中廣泛而古老的聚會。美軍自美國人民之中重新活動起來,並把消息傳了出去,協助智利打贏了幾場小仗。美國空軍 (USAF) 則跟幾個私人軍團進行跨國合作,在不同戰場分區間確保了許多戰爭的勝利。這清楚地提醒了我們,只要有組織及統合地在前線作戰,我們可以成就一番翻事業。

It is admirable that after all this time with the USA essentially split in two, that there are those with the foresight and vision to see that we are not as weak as we sometimes appear when we get together and put forth a organized effort. Not only do some people see it, but they see a way to bring back that old fire. Yesterday’s joint strikes were not even very large when compared to the v1 wall-crashing events where sometimes over a hundred citizens would idle in an IRC room in the middle of the night and wait for their unit to be called up to hit the wall. No, they were not very large, but they were effective.

即使經歷許多事後的美國實際上已經分裂為二,但令人敬佩是,在遠見與願景之下,我們並不如外表呈現的那麼衰弱,而能在有組織的規劃下,一同團結前進。一些人不只看到了這個現象,更找到了帶回古老火燄的方向。昨天的聯合打擊或許不是非常大的戰爭規模,如同從前那場 V1 拆牆事件那樣,幾百個公民擠半夜在 IRC 聊天室裡等著軍令一下衝去推牆,但這次打擊也已經十分有效。

This round of joint strikes were a stepping stone that can be built upon to recreate one of the few events in eRep worth showing up for; the social events where we can identify a common goal and cheer each other on as we accomplish that goal. The strikes were effective and they will grow in popularity, because in a game like eRep, for all our disagreements and junior-varsity drama, all we have are each other for support on the world stage.

這一回合的聯合打擊可以看作是一個里程碑,讓我們透過社交事件,來建立共同的目標並鼓勵彼此一起去完成,這將建立新世界中少數值得誇耀的事蹟。因為在 eRep 這個遊戲中,各種反對意見與小團體戲碼的存在,我們需要各方面的支持來站上世界舞台,而這次打擊行動非常有效,也將成長為普遍執行的工作。

When we organize and work together, we are still capable of quite a lot. We have been presented with it. 46&2 ahead of us all. We need just step through our shadow.

當我們組織好團結工作時,我們仍然有能力成就很多事。我們已經證明這件事。46&2 帶領我們,我們只需要走出自己的陰影。

It turns out the World Cup is distracting quite a few people this week. Our foreign contacts are still around, even if all they want to talk about is soccer. Congress is in session discussing the ins and outs of renting another bonus and nurturing our relationships with allies and friends continues.



Please give this a shout!
A Higher Consciousness

譯按: 美佬還真是一貫地自我感覺良好呀~