[CoH] A Vision

Day 2,269, 22:27 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Greetings Canada
As you know from my previous article I have started up my old MU and given it a new name and structure. However now it's had time to settle in, we have come up with a vision.

The Vision
The vision is to mobilize a fighting force of Division 1, 2, 3 and 4 players (focusing on lower divs) to create a balanced and disciplined company of soldiers who are taught by experienced players. They will be given:
- How to fight
- When to fight
- When not to fight
- How to make the most of their factories/storage/funds/Training centers
- How to make the most out of their damage
- WEAPONS - Q6/7 a good supply to keep them stocked up for when damage is needed.
- FOOD - A soldier with no energy is useless, we will make sure they always have a supply of food.
- GOLD/CC - Donations and funds will be raised and given to players of lower divisions who need upgrades on their Training Grounds.

It is not just an MU for the lower divisions, we are a fighting force for everyone. We aim to create a fun, active community with competitions and roll call to keep activity at a high.

It's a mostly lost factor to the game now, a lot of MU's have forgotten about strikes, we will re-introduce them, it may be hard with my Australian timezone but with a Canadian, an Australian and a Brit as commanders, there will usually be one of us online to organize it. This leads me on to welcome Connor Macleod into the MU who has volunteered to help fatten up the hens.

Back to strikes, with the new game feature of the MU damage booster, it allows us to co-ordinate it a lot better and get the maximum potential from our soldiers, so sit tight as this is all at its very early stages and needs a lot of fine tuning.

Tales of Valor is a new program I will be running in my articles where the most distinguished player of the week will get a special reward and mention.

Once again I will mention that I have created an avatar for soldiers to use, I would appreciate it if everyone wore one because it helps distinguish ourselves as a unit, I will make them for you, but I won't force it upon you at this stage.

The PNG file is also available if you wanted to make your own HERE

o7 If you are interested please do join us and try us out, I don't wish to steal MU members from other MU's but I do want to mobilize our damage to our needs.

- Pat Harper -
Company of Heroes Commander