[Ash] The CP Contest

Day 2,753, 21:52 Published in India India by Ashwamaedh

Dear all,

I have been extremely busy with RL stuff and as such have been unable to contribute much. (things should be better come Monday) I have had absolutely no time but had to write this article (even if its a short one)

Due to game mechanics, the role of a CP had been pretty much useless since the last few months. However, last month saw a refreshing change. Bombay Bomb took up the mantle and infused his energy into the role and worked hard at trying to do the best possible. (and in fact he did do a wonderful job)

Party politics may possibly be coming back to life and its perhaps good! (I have always disliked it BUT am now agreeing to the fact that it does encourage activity and something to look forward to for many of the non-tank players)

So... let us have some CLEAN party politics and (like this term) a nice CLEAN contest. Using multis for a ridiculous CP race is meaningless, so I hope all parties shall abstain from that.

Let the best man win and though I like RFTA, I think Bombay Bomb should be given credit where due and encouraged to carry on with his good work for another term, so that he can complete what he has planned.

That's it... back to the trenches for me now!!