[外電-Asgard] 大北方局勢極簡報

Day 2,403, 02:59 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CKWang


[Asgard HQ] The North Prospers

New Head Quarters Leadership:
Im back! For an unprecedented fourth time Asgard HQ has unanimously appointed myself as the Supreme Commander, (quick someone call Guinness Records!)


I want to first introduce to you the new HQ team as follows...


Joshua Morriseau -Supreme Commander 最高指揮官

zRTx -Finnish CP 芬蘭總統,以下三席芬蘭代表
Kostaja -Finnish Representative
Ripperi -Finnish Representative
JNJK92 -Finnish Representative

Grumpy George -Swedish CP 瑞典總統,以下兩席瑞典代表
Maze87 -Swedish Representative
SockerConny -Swedish Representative

Akashaton -Norwegian CP 挪威總統,以下三席挪威代表
taulen -Norwegian Representative
bATRA -Norwegian Representative
M. de Ruyter -Norwegian Representative

Thanks to Our Allies:
Recently Asgard played host to the latest tyrant to try and seize The North, Poland. We want to take this time to thank our many allies who helped us this far in our operations at removing the oppressor from our territory. Poland has lost all of its holdings in Norway and are down to just two in Sweden. Russia has been a great help and ally who helped us to secure Finnish regions and block Poland from marching any further. For this, on behalf of Asgard and her citizens I want to thank the Russian Government and her great citizens for helping us in our time of need.

感謝盟友們,最近一次想要征服大北方的殘暴帝國,波蘭,被 Asgard 好好招呼了一番。我們要感謝遠道而來的許多盟友,幫助我們的行動,驅逐我們國土讓的壓迫者。現在 (2403) 波蘭已經被完全逐出挪威,在瑞典也只剩最後兩塊土地。俄羅斯幫了很大的忙,阻止波蘭深入芬蘭領土。為此,我們整個 Asgard 與全體公民們想要感謝俄羅斯政府與其公民,在我們急難時伸出援手。

We must not forget all of our many allies in Asteria and LETO and of course single out the great amount of help that came from some of our oldest allies, Canada and Ireland.

我們絕不會忘記 Asteria 與 LETO 的眾多盟國,以及需要特別感謝的加拿大與愛爾蘭,這兩個我們最古老的盟邦。

Norwegian/Russian Renting Deal:
Norway and Russia have recently struck a deal to rent three Norwegian cores to Russia. The deal is as follows...

-Norway rents three regions to Russia, Nord-Norge, Trøndelag and Østlandet .
- Russia pays the taxes it collects from these regions back to Norway
- Russia pays a rent of 1500cc/week (roughly 6000cc/month)

This deal was done in good faith and we hope it will bring our two factions even closer together as natural allies. We look forward to the prosperity and security this will bring to all of Asgard and Russia.

- Nord-Norge, Trøndelag, Østlandet 三塊地租予俄羅斯
- 俄羅斯於這些地徵收到的稅轉回挪威
- 俄羅斯每週付租金 1500cc (約每月 6000cc)

Sweden vs Lithuania:
The Polish satellite state other wise known as the former sovereign nation of Lithuania has declared a NE on Sweden. Now that Poland has turned her interests else where she has ordered the Lithuanian Puppet Government to keep Asgard busy by once again going to war with Asgard. This is a large disappointment as before Asgard was invaded by Poland we had finally been making great head way with Lithuania but it seems that our peace has gone no where. Asgard is not at this time largely concerned with Lithuania's presence in The North and will be dealt with at the appropriate time by a joint strike with our allies. Stay tuned for further instructions.

波蘭人的衛星國,曾經的主權國家,立陶宛現在對瑞典宣戰 (NE)。由於當下波蘭的注意力轉向他方,所以指使立陶宛小弟出戰來牽制 Asgard。這很讓人失望,因為前次波蘭入侵,我們曾與立陶宛共同成功對抗波蘭,但現在我們之間的和平蕩然無存。不過 Asgard 現在並不把立陶宛侵入北方的事看得太重要,而著重與跟盟友策劃在理想時機進行聯合打擊行動。


Join Asgard MU:
Asgard needs her bravest citizens! The worlds only alliance to currently have her own MU is calling on you to join and fight! Supplies are distributed to Asgard's finest. If you have any further questions about joining please contact Fettis.

*譯按: 上段是 Asgard MU 徵兵公告*

The God's favour but one side, Asgard. (老天只保佑乖孩子 Asgard 這邊啦)

As always don't forget to V,S&S!

Kind Regards,

Joshua Morriseau
Supreme Commander of Asgard