[Angrr] Belated Article Regarding Policy

Day 925, 18:08 Published in Japan Japan by Angrr

My last article did a couple of things, some intended, and some not.

The first thing it seemed to do was upset some people. Despite it's tone - which in hindsight was not ideal - I had not set out with the intention to insult anyone. In fact, I have long made it a rule to refrain from doing that in the media. The point that I had tried to get across - one shared by several others to whom I spoke - was that I looked at the candidate list and thought "This is the best we have to offer? This is in whom we must place our trust?"

This may seem a little harsh, and if so then I apologise, but it is not anything against the candidates themselves. I have no real issues with Shimiken, I think Yonsil is usually pretty funny, and although we don't get along (I think he "hates me more than anyone else in the new world&quot😉 I have long respected Nowe's point of view, and remain a subscriber to his newspaper. However, in my opinion, they were not ideally suited to being President - especially in the days ahead.

The next thing it seemed to do - although it may well be completely co-incidental and I do not try to take credit for it - a different type of Presidential candidate stepped up. Perhaps those who disagree with my points of view (or those of the other candidates) or maybe I or another candidate proposed something that was percieved as a threat to the plans of the new candidates. Regardless, We now see Dokomo - an experienced former President - running in place of Nowe, and Yonsil has apparantly dropped out of the race.

The last thing the article did was prove (to me at least) that there were still some people in eJapan who felt that something was missing - something that we once had. A sense of purpose, a unique identity.

Being brutally honest, eJapan is in a mess. We no longer have any sense of purpose. Our treasury is empty. We stirred up a hornets nest next door and our foreign relations are hindered by a horrible lack of diplomacy.

The past month leaves a huge question hanging over our nations direction. Right now, we are drifting rudderless where before our course always seemed so true.
I have run for President before, but I can see now that the nation didn't need me then. The question is - does it need me now?

Since there are clearly some citizens and parties in eJapan who have put their faith in me, I will in fact remain in the race and try to give them an option - someone to vote for who represents theirway of thinking. Whether or not I win is irrelevant at this point. To take votes means that whoever does gain power must acknowledge that there are still some people who want more than a war for fun, an empty treasury and secret reasons for actions that citizens will never be privy to.

I apologise for the lateness of this article, and for the unusual way in which I have gone about this campaign. It was important for me to know that I wasn't clinging to beliefs that were outdated and un-needed. So long as there are still citizens looking to make our nation a better place, I am happy to try to represent them.


Let me make my policies and aims very clear from the outset - I want to repair the damage done to our foreign relations by the war. There will be no continuation of this war, and efforts will be made to return to a country viewed as less of a threat by it's neighbors.

War may be a common part of erepublik, but there are many of them, and I feel we can support our allies and deploy troops to these wars, without making new ones on our borders. I would like to see an effort made to make it easier for newer players to get involved in overseas fighting, and would discuss this with the Minister of Defence.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs will need to be very active, and skilled management of his Ambassadors will be key. Our image - especially in Asia - is not good. Smaller nations now fear an unprovoked attack, and larger nations no longer look upon us as the peaceful neutral nation we once were. We have also upset eSouth Korea, who now have very different friends. A lot of effort will go into foreign affairs this month by myself and the Department of Foreign Affairs.

I would like to see stability at home. We need time to recover from the war, time to refill the treasury, and time to work out what is important for us as a nation. Is the Righteous Nation Philosophy that we stuck to for so long now of absolutely no interest to the people of eJapan? If so, then let us create a new set of principles - something that we can find it much easier to live by.

I hope to restart the Ministry of Education. This ministry is a great tool for new players, and ideally it should be publishing articles once or twice a week helping new players by explaining in easy terms how to do things that are important in this game. To be at this stage and still have many new players leave so soon is ridiculous.

Cabinet Accountability. I touched on this a couple of months ago when I ran, but it seems to me to be more important than ever now.

The war it seems - to me at least - to have shown some cabinet members who were thinking solely about themselves, and planning or advising based upon what benefits themselves most. Such behaviour is completely unacceptable, and actions like these must be explained. If elected, I would change the cabinet - removing the members I suspect of such behaviour - and start an investigation (by the Minister of the Interior) into these activities.

I can promise a few thing I will and will not do -

I won't open any new war.
I will listen to the views of the people of eJapan. This is not about forcing my ideals upon a nation.
I will work hard with my Minister of Finance to increase the national treasury and carefully control spending.
I will try my very best to improve foreign affairs.


I am aware that some people base their vote upon the cabinet every bit as much as the President. With this in mind, I will not present a cabinet until after the elections. It seems recently that to agree to join a proposed cabinet is to betray another candidate, or that individuals may promise to join a single cabinet only.

Instead, let me make some assurances.

I would never put any personal bias into the decision, and a balanced cabinet is assured. The candidates would be appointed solely on merit and those I have in mind would be more than capable of filling the roles. I have not approached anyone yet, and will not unless elected. At the same time, this is also a chance for the eJapanese people to step up and volunteer - if you are interested in being a part of government, then send me a message and you will be considered. Even if you have no experience, junior positins are an excellent start for those keen to get involved.

In Closing

I have presented my reasons for running and my intentions if elected.
I would like to round up this article by addressing a few points leveled at me by some opponents.
There are a few familiar themes, so I will address the main points-

Inactivity: "Angrr goes active and inactive on a regular basis"

Technically true, but not really.
It is true that more than a year ago, I left this game. I returned 6 months or so later, and re-integrated into society. Since then, I remained active until the last time I ran for President. As I was not elected, had no congressional ties and was largely just a citizen, I made the decision to take a few weeks off to deal with a heavy workload that builds up every year in April. I wrote an article and informed everyone that I would be inactive, and no-one was affected by my absense. Had I been President, or MoFA, or even a congress member, I would not have gone inactive. There was a time where I found myself with no commitments and I used this time to deal with some things in real life.

Time spent in game:"Angrr has been inactive now he wants to be President"

Geno Garon's article sums up this in a more eloquent fashion, but I agree that this is a valid concern. I would find it hard to support someone who returns and expects to be voted into power. My reasons - Like I said, I am a long-time player and I have a great affection for eJapan. I have invested a lot into this country, and to see what I percieved as a danger to the nation going unadressed prompted action. More has been made of this than is warranted though, as I was only inactive for a month, and have been back for a month since then. Trust me that I am fully up-to-date on recent events.

Not active on IRC:

I agree that IRC is important for government, but refute the claim that I am inactive. I merely refuse to idle all day in a channel when I have no real reason to be there. I am not in government, and I am not in congress. 90% of IRC chat is meaningless and foolish. It is not key to everyday life. When I served on the cabinet, I was active every day, and this would be the case if elected. In the last month, I have been on IRC almost daily, but only to have a discussion in private with a few friends / PPs and then I log off again.

Resistance war: "Angrr started a resistance war in a South Korean region once"

True. I do not deny this, and I do not regret it either.
Those who were there at the time would be spilt in half - those who understood the reasons and supported (or at least respected) the action, and those who were outraged by it. This was an action taken in the past - in a time where most of the citizens reading this were not yet introduced to the game, and where the political landscape in eJapan was very different. This was not a "temper tantrum" or anything of the sort, and anyone curious can PM me and I will happily give you the reasons for it. I see no point in discussing it here though.

So, all-in-all, I am far from the perfect candidate, but who is?

I am dedicated to the nation. I have no hidden agenda and genuinely believe that I can help restore some of what we have recently lost.

Regardless of the outcome, a vote for Angrr is not a wasted vote.
