[外電] 2382 老美動向摘譯

Day 2,382, 04:18 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CKWang

譯序: 應要求簡單譯一下近來老美的動向。摘要來講,就是老美跟加拿大、阿根庭簽約停火,主要戰力重新調整,打算向歐洲全力前進支援盟友。

Reset Your Head

We have concentrated a lot of time and firepower on Canada these last months. It’s been a lot of fun. We have traded lots of barbs and trolling. It’s been a long time since I’ve had such an entertaining shout feed. Tons of FF and TP medals were awarded. We even had the full attention of LETO and some of Asteria for a while. It has been a very good exchange.

前幾個月我們集中火力跟加拿大好好地打了一場。這實在很好玩,我們熱烈地互相冷嘲熱諷。我好久沒有享受這樣的彼此叫囂了。大量的 FF 與 TP 章賺進手裡,我們甚至一度吸引了 LETO 的全部注意力,包含部份 Asteria,這是非常划算的交換。

The world has again turned. We had very few expectations in Europe over the course of our Canadian war. Most of our allies were relatively stable, with a few exceptions. Chile, with their x2 determination bonus pretty much had Asteria on its heels. Now we have new fronts developing and it is time to look past our hemisphere and project our power further afield. In the coming weeks, our allies will need us and we will answer the call.

但世界又再一次轉變了。專注於美加戰事中的我們對歐洲沒有太多關切。大多數盟友相當穩定,但少數例外如智利,利用兩倍決心值殺的 Asteria 人仰馬翻。現在我們有新的戰線要開拓,是時候把眼光跨過我們身處的半個地球,將火力投射到遠方。在未來幾週,我們的盟友將需要我們,我們也會回應這些要求。

DMV III and I have come to agreement that it will be in both our country’s best interest to change the status quo. Starting immediately, the USA will be withdrawing from Canadian regions. We will drop the Natural Enemy Declarations and regions in Canada will be RWed back to Canada.

DMV III (加拿大 CP) 與我已經同意改變目前的(戰爭)狀態對雙方來說才是最大利益。所以美國馬上會自加拿大領土上撤軍,停止 NE 並讓加拿大以起義戰拿回失去的土地。


The intention of this Non Aggression Pact is to secure eUS borders, allowing the USA to free up damage to take the fight to Asteria in other parts of the The New World. America has been tying up lose ends for a while now, as we declared ceasefire in our war on Canada yesterday, as we look to commit to fight for our allies harder and with more fire power, without having to worry other distractions. Our Sirius allies can feel assured that we will be there to fight for them in all their endeavours.

這個互不侵犯條約確保了eUS的邊界安全,讓我們可以釋出一些傷害輸出能力去對抗 Asteria 在新世界其它地方的戰事。在昨天與加拿大停火之後,美洲的情勢得以暫時舒緩。現在我們可以不用擔心這些地區 (指阿根庭與加拿大這邊),以將火力轉向需要幫助的盟友。我們 Sirius 的盟友們將可明確感受到美國的存在,為了他們的奮鬥而戰。

The US State Department


Today something strange happened, our war ended and I was one of the people that was not satisfied. Over the past few months I have become known as a “Canadian sympathizer” since I have been pushing for an ending to this war, yet today those that opposed my stance are satisfied with the decision to retreat fully. You see I didn’t want to end the war in order to simply end the war for Canada, I wanted to end it to protect our allies and get bonuses secured as much as possible by signing a NAP. We went into a war and spent millions on it and used it to justify our taxes, now we back out without any economical benefits.


There is one thing that I agree with Molly Emma on though, we need to help our allies. How are we going to do this though? Direct wars against the enemy is usually the best way to help out since it gives our citizens 10% more damage and opens another front that needs to be controlled. We have recently written a NAP with Argentina stating that we can not directly attack them. Every time our friends are in trouble and enemies are closing in it seems like our go-to strategy is to sign a NAP, this happened previously when Mexico got wiped by Colombia because “We had to focus on Canada” instead of helping our allies. These NAPs means that we havevery limited options on movement.

不過有件事我很同意 Molly Emma (現任 US CP),我們需要幫助盟友。該怎麼做呢? 直接開戰打開新戰線,讓我們的人民享有10%加成打下重要地區是最好的方式。我們最近跟阿根庭簽的 NAP 讓我們不能攻擊他們。每一次當朋友惹上麻煩,而讓敵人打近門口時,我們卻總是簽下 NAP,就像上次墨西哥被哥倫比亞清盤時,我們以”要專心對付加拿大”為由,沒有濟助盟友。這些 NAP 實際上限制了我們決策與運作的彈性。

Organized NSC + Informed citizens = Deadly combo
有組織行動的 NSC 加上資訊透明的公民 = 致命組合

Last article I said that knowledge is power. The more the citizens know the easier it is for them to decide when and where to fight and when to back off. This has not been the case in these past few months, even the NSC has not been up to date on where to fight which lead to us hitting for Russia in a region that they actually needed to lose. When the NSC is not up to date, how can we expect anyone else to be? Molly promised that we would have better communication and that articles would be released to inform us on the current situation of the world. We are 22 days in and we are yet to see these. Bad priorities and poor activity updating the priorities is something that should be avoided in the NSC, they need to be on their toes because they handle the most precious thing that erep has, directed damage.

上一篇文章我提到知識就是力量。公民知道的越多,就更容易決定如何適時地進攻與撤退。但在過去幾個月情況卻不是這樣。即使是 NSC 也無法即時掌握狀況,在對俄戰鬥中搞不清楚該在那裡戰鬥,而投入在應該要放掉的戰鬥中。當 NSC 都搞不清楚當下情勢時,我們怎麼知道該做什麼呢? Molly 承諾我們將會擁有較好的溝通,相關文章將會釋出並告知我們當下世界的情勢發展。但22天過去了,我們還是沒有清楚的資訊。不當的事務處理順序與相關訊息更新,是 NSC 要避免的狀況。他們應該時刻警覺,因為他們掌握了 EREP 中最珍貴的事物,直接傷害輸出。

So first of all I plan to start these articles again. In the past these articles were my responsibility, and I will make sure that they will be released on a regular basis again. Second, I will be getting some experienced people in and mix in some of the current crew that I think is just lacking experience to educate them on how to run the NSC.

所以我決定自己來啦,前幾篇文章是我的責任,我會確定它們規律地釋出,並且招集一些有經驗的玩家與新手(訓練用)來運作 NSC。

It really is time for our NSC to get back to its former shape where things actually worked smoothly. We are not the strongest country when it comes to manpower, but we used to be one of the strongest strategical countries.

是時候讓我們的 NSC 重回原有的樣子,並順利運作。我們不是人力上最強大的國家,但一向是戰略上最強的國家之一。

Future goals


This is a game about economy and politics but mainly war. Politics decide wars which decides the economy of a country. Obviously going out there and taking a region from one of our neighbors is not that hard, since we do not have any nations next door that are able to deal LOTS of damage against us in the long run. We do still have the problem that any country has, which is keeping that bonus, and being able to provide our citizens with them not only for a week or two. Now that we have a peace with Canada we can focus on making a rental agreement with them to get our bonuses. Details on this will be in the next article.


The main goal will be to directly influence work on our European frontier. We can not sit back in our cores and let our enemies take advantage of it, we have to activate our player base, which is the most important resource our country really has, active fighters! We know that when we have an eUS battle up, our people hit hard, really hard and we need to use that. It is crucial that the alliance fights as one to make sure that damage is not wasted to overkill battles. If we control Europe then we are rather safe from invasions.

當前主要目標為直接在歐洲前線發揮影響力。我們不能縮回本土核心讓敵人予取予求,我們必需去活化玩家們,這是我們國家最重要的資源,充滿活力的戰士! 我們知道當 eUS 的戰火點燃時,我們的人民會群起奮戰,這點是要去利用的。在聯盟戰爭中讓傷害輸出不要浪費在過度優勢的戰場是一項關鍵操作。只要我們可以控制歐洲,我們相對安全而不會被入侵。

We were once a military super power in the eWorld. It is time for us to start working on becoming one again. Knowledge is power, power leads to victory.



ps 我很窮,所以看爽的可以隨喜捐款,叩首再謝~~ m(_ _)m