[呆呆魚・潛水報] # 18 M # 系列報紙計畫・Series Newspaper Plan

Day 3,834, 10:29 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by gugufish

Google Document 好讀版

Because national newspaper industry seems to be resurrected, I want to make it more invigorated. So I try to figure out what’s topic I can publish my newspaper continuous.

To be honest, I don’t think I’m good for introduce something to others. But it seems like there are something I can share. That’s make me feel a little vexed.

Recently, I try to sort out what things I often do. I think it's good if I can share part of these. So I list some topics I maybe can publish in the future.

Actually, if I have free time, I’m always watch some dramas. It's hard to say what drama type I like. Maybe its story is great, maybe it's just the drama's name make me interesting. But I probably won't finish the whole series.
The sequence I will introduce is not the order I watched. So the drama I talking about maybe I ever watched before, or I'm still following.

The drama type will be distinguished by location:


These are the three drama types I often watched. If any new type I have interesting in the future, I will list it.
自從工作了以後開始會有出國走走的行程,當然也有國內的行程,因此可以分享一些相關景點和照片,以及一些旅遊趣事之類的,肯定也會拿以前去的資料來寫 😀
Since I worked, I start to schedule some trips to other countries. Of course, I also have some domestic tour experience. So I can share some scenery, pictures, and something interesting. I'm sure I will write something thst's been long long time ago. 😀

Actually I don't want to include this because it may be something in the specific field. So it could be make most people feel difficult and boring.
But in the other hand, maybe I can try to share it by simple description. Or just share funny things.

應該會拿自己看過的小說來做些介紹,但我小說看的也沒太多就是 😆
I will introduce some novels I ever read. But I didn't read many many novels.😆

I think I will depends on these four categories to write articles.

Hope my newspaper can keeping forward with following conditions:

每一至兩週的週末發一則新報紙,主題就如上面所說的囉!(有時候難免工作忙嘛!所以不敢說每週一篇 😆)
Keeping publish newspaper at weekend with every one or two weeks, and the topics are as above I said. (There are always something accidentally, like busy work. So I con’t say I could publish article every week. 😆)

不過如果有時候時間太趕,可能就只會發佈中文而已了 😃
Trying to keep write Chinese-English comparsion article. It’s mainly try to practice English more. Watching European and American drama is also let me listen more in English. This way maybe will increase my English intuition. But I can’t make sure all English senstence are correct. But I just try to do this first.
But if I don’t have too many time to write, I will just publish Chinese newspaper.

效法 H.C. 弄個 Google Document 好讀版,一直覺得這方式挺不錯,而且流程上也可以先寫好再轉成報紙 (我的想法是這樣)
Following H.C.'s way to create a easy-reading version on Google Document. I think this way is great. And in the progress of writing, I can write article on Google Document first and then transfer it to eRep newspaper (That’s what I think about).

以上就是我想嘗試作的事,希望大家支持,也期望未來更多人投入報業的行列 😀
Above is what I try to do. Hope everybody can support me. And also wish there are more people come to join newspaper industry in the future.
