[外電] 智利與阿根廷和約

Day 2,610, 04:53 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CKWang


Greetings all,

There have been many interesting developments in these past few weeks. This article is about to add one more. Chile has signed a Non Aggression Pact with Argentina, Greece, CopperLovers, Peru and Narnia. The terms are next:
過去幾週世界局勢發生許多有趣的進展,本文也接著帶來一個新消息。那就是智利與阿根廷、希臘、戀銅者(CopperLovers,這三小?)、秘魯、以及納尼亞(Narina,這又是三小?是有獅子跑出來逆?) 簽定和約,內容如下:

1 Argentina gets its original regions back.
1. 阿根廷取回原有領土。
2 Argentina does not move out of its original regions (Argentina will not put any NE or DoW laws to ANY country bordering them, or AS laws)
2. 阿根廷不能踏出領土 (不能NE、宣戰、以及空襲任何鄰國。)
3 The nap includes Bolivia, Nigeria, Paraguay, Croacia, Chipre, United Kingdom and allies of Chile.
3. 本和約國家包括 Bolivia、Nigeria、Paraguay、Croatia、Cyprus、UK、以及智利的盟國 (譯: 以上指阿根廷不能攻擊的國家)。
4 If Argentina breaks any point Chile, Paraguay, Croatia, Cyprus and United Kingdom will propose Natural enemy law on them
4. 如果阿根廷打破和約任一點,Chile, Paraguay, Croatia, Cyprus, UK 將對阿根廷宣布天敵。

5 This NAP can be renewed with every month with the change of government.
5. 這份和約隨每月改選政府時更新。

6.Chile is free to pass a Natural Enemy law without affecting the NAP if Argentina directly or indirectly using its allies or a 3-rd party take actions that harms the integrity of Croatia, United Kingdom, Cyprus or their colonies and allies of Chile
6. 當阿根廷直接或間接協同盟友或第三勢力攻擊 Croatia, UK, Cyprus 及智利的盟友與殖民地時,智利有權自由宣布對阿根廷天敵,而無虞破壞和約。

Hail Chile
Hail Paraguay
Hail Croacia
Hail Cyprus
Hail United Kingdom (Banana nations)
Hail Bolivia
Hail Venezuela
Hail Macedonia
Hail Bulgaria
Hail Spain
Hail Turkey
Hail Albania
Hail Irlanda
Hail Indonesia
Hail BiH
Hail Italy
Hail Mexico
Hail Terrorist ( Hail Friends!
