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W orkers' Rights Party

Id-partypresident Huey George     UK Britain     Pangkat nasional: 4    

Naib Presiden

67ed306d2189b8d79250572ef6f678a4 wingfield

Ketua Setiausaha

6c9ddc93ea761445150b32bc7f61fa71 THE EMPRAH


Bc1d33c22ca2568875204fd3d0b47afe max7upp


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We want as many citizens as possible to have a say in how the country is run. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who distrust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, freethinking, creativity and social.

Ahli-ahli 10

Associate Members 0

Haluan Center-left, Libetarian


Icon_position_politics_partypresidentJawatan parti presiden

Presiden Parti

Pilihanraya seterusnya dalam28 hari 0 calon-calon  


5 ahli-ahli kongres

  13.51%  Kongres dari


Pilihanraya seterusnya dalam 8 hari

Icon_position_politics_presidentJawatan Presiden Negara

Pilihanraya seterusnya dalam 18 hari

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